Reviews for Riding The Wave
ucat42 chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
Nice. Wistful. Sad. This was very well written, very nice little vignette...
dljensengirl88 chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
Nice. Very nice. I was over on tumblr looking at that sweet picture of Dean from Friday night, I scrolled down, saw the beginning of your story and remembered you are here - and I joined so I could read your stuff. (I go by another name over on WFB. :-D) I can be picky about writing since I do it myself (not fanfiction though), so it was a pleasure to see this so eloquently done, sticking to the canon but adding parts that are totally convincing. And even though he's thinking he may or may not be talking to himself, it's an interesting talk indeed. And as I tell other people I choose to review, one of the signs of good writing is the lack of bad grammar and spelling. It's a sign that you take this seriously and I appreciate that because it keeps me in the story not to be disrupted by such nonsense. Thanks for caring about the details. Love this very much.
DaughterOfPoseidon333 chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
I really like this! When I was watching the end of that episode i was yelling at Dean, 'he's right there!' so it was really nice for someone to put Dean's thoughts and feelings into writing. I thought you were really good at portraying his emotions too. And that last sentence about Bobby in the back seat, that was great :)

Anyway, I really like this!
SueJRA chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
That was a gorgeously worded follow up to a very poignant episode end. Thanks for writing and capturing Dean's thoughts so wonderfully. Loved that Bobby was sitting in the back listening...
Carole C chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
This is a lovely story. Sad, but lovely. You've captured Dean so well, and how he's handling a loss that's just about too much to bear. And poor Bobby, unable to make anyone know he's really *there.*

Much as I hate that the series writers killed him off, if the only way I can get the ol' curmudgeon back is as a ghost- I'm like Dean, I'll welcome him with open arms.

Perfect, poignant story and excellent characterization. Thank you so much!
Tisha Wyman chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
I must admit that I loved this. Dean needs Bobby. Bobby was the Dad he never really had in John. He's got Sam back, but he's lost everyone else. I hope they find a way to bring Bobby back.