Reviews for Silent Gravity
Guest chapter 1 . 9/11/2018
This is goodzzz
DJmiso chapter 62 . 4/14/2018
HA! i KNEW it! from since the time ari said fang was adorable for staring at max all the time, i’ve had the idea in my head that he was gay. dearlord, my gaydar’s better than max or fang’s. anyway, i’m slightly confused. i think i remember reading back a number of chapters ago when nudge had angel and the boy died that nudge said she had a brother out there named Ari? i dunno if that was meant or nah.. just thought i’d let you know..
DJmiso chapter 56 . 4/13/2018
i’m side-eyeing ari because the way you have things for these characters he’s prolly gonna end up gay or something. not saying it’s a bad thing, but anything can gonat this point.
DJmiso chapter 48 . 4/13/2018
orange chicken is da bomb and i’d probably be like max in that there would have to be an emergency that would pull me away from it.
DJmiso chapter 43 . 4/13/2018
well, thank god gazzy isn’t dead. but whyyyy. it was going so good fer fang and max. *sigh* drama. XD
DJmiso chapter 42 . 4/13/2018
you killed off gazzy!? D:
on another note, i like yer different relations the flock members have in this AU. first i’ve ever read of angel being nudge’s daughter.
but srsly, is gazzy not gonna show up? D:
DJmiso chapter 38 . 4/13/2018
it’s ok, i totally get you. i myself have never been good with the middle of a story. it’s mostly because i dunno how to slowly/quickly reveal a plot as it goes along. at least yer amazing at dialogue. sometimes when i’m skipping forward in time, i just summarize in the next chapter and hope someone understands, lol.
DJmiso chapter 37 . 4/13/2018
can you imagine an older fang going around kissing family members that way? my mind is going insane with laughter. i can’t. it’s so awkward and hilarious at the same time. xD
DJmiso chapter 35 . 4/13/2018
hadn’t mr. dawson already asked for/pick up the papers? and hadn’t they already asked for an extension? *scratch head* anyway, love that fang is so protective. i’ve always loved the whole big brother/little sister relationship thing. i always found it cute.
LolitaFajita chapter 20 . 1/3/2018
um a little comment in Ellas pov i didn't really like is her attitude about being a Jehovas witness because i was born and raised one
Storm chapter 65 . 11/20/2017
So like I need more dude
Guest chapter 54 . 8/18/2017
hell yeah
M- you geek stupid chapter 1 . 5/21/2017
Rider really?
Guest chapter 17 . 4/19/2017
Hey me again, so the last few chapters were good but I think u should add more MaxFang moments instead of IggyNudge moments. I mean we all love Iggy and Nudge but there not as cute as Max and Fang! So it's really good just adds one more of FAX! If u wanna stick to the Fax, get it get it, ur doing good.

Your Fav guest
Guest chapter 3 . 4/18/2017
Hi I'm a guest so I don't have an account. But that doesn't stop my love for maximum ride and her fan fiction. I have read a ton on fanfics and so far your story is goin really well. Gods plot, few mechanical errors, and the characters seem like they were written by James Patterson. So overall this is really good!

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