Reviews for Waiting
theDowntonAbbeyfreak chapter 1 . 6/20
*tries to gather herself* Soo.. Just wait a moment and let me dry my tears before the next ones come.. This is such a painful thing to read. I have never been a person to cry over things easily, but. .. Elsie and Charles had always been special to me and they held a special place in my heart. And this was very hard to read. This was however beautiful story, got me crying over it so bad. *swallows tears*Thank you for writing this. Really. It is wonderdul to have people writing something like this, even if it's hard. Thank you.
Lady Aurelia Crawley chapter 1 . 4/11/2015
Aw this is so beautiful, but also really sad. Well done for mentioning a really difficult subject though and for dealing with it so tactfully.
Tammy333 chapter 1 . 7/21/2013
Gah! This was heartrending! My poor Elsie and Charles! Very beautifully written! Thanks!
BootRat chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
This was beautifully written, but so sad! I'm going to go off and cry in a corner now.
griseldalafey chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
Okay, who spiked Tumblre?

Because this angst seemed to have become an epidemic.

Seriously though, no matter how sad it was, it was also very beautifully written. At least they had few happy years together as a couple. The thought of one of them dying and leaving the other behind is just too sad to think on.
onmyside chapter 1 . 4/20/2012

How sad and at the same time how lovely. When you love someone so dearly that you want to be reunited as fast as possible. Poor Charles. *sighs*
the maids diaries chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
This was beautiful! Sad and yet beautiful! You just made me cry before I go out, how am I suposed to go out now?

You described his feelings very well, it was easy to see his misery and his pain; and the end... killed me.
Maple Fay chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
Ah, yes... stories like this simply drop in on you, and you cannot do anything but write them down.

I loved the way in which you described Charles' feelings, how he is unable to live without her and sort of fades away. It was sad, it was painful, it was so, so beautiful. Thank you, dear.
DowntonIsMyLife chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
Im never reading fanfics during classes again, I seriously scared everyone because I started crying at this! Thanks for that :p I know it would be inevitable between them but it's still too much heartache to read, I did love this though the emotion you've portrayed was brilliant and it's just so well written - even if it is impossibly sad.

I like that they were at least married, I can imagine it would be a lot worse if they had to try and look after each other when they didn't know the other loved them, so thank you for at least having the together :p

Hopefully someone will write something fluffy and overly cute between them - there's been far too much sadness recently.
kouw chapter 1 . 4/19/2012
It's typical: i have always thought Elsie would outlive Charles. She is the stronger one, in my mind. Of course i hope they are spared such an ordeal, that they will enjoy their time together in relative good health, but your story shows how easily it could be this way.

Thank you for giving me something to think about!

(Oh, i really liked it! Just so you know!)
CrazyMaryT chapter 1 . 4/19/2012
Heartbreaking but well written. I don't want them dying on the show but I do love the idea that they get to be together at the end.