Reviews for The Frog and Nightgown Inn
EmonyDeborah chapter 4 . 9/24/2019
I was so ready to fight but I actually love this. It's so naughty and at first it didn't seem like them but I can see Robert following Cora anywhere. Good job :)
sash queen of the jungle chapter 4 . 3/13/2014
You tease I fought it was at first the maid. Thank god it's Cora. Thank you for a well structured story.
tvobessedWHAT chapter 2 . 6/4/2013
I can't believe you did that. I thought Robert did that with Jane. That is mean, I thought he was cheating. At least it's some flash back, thank god. Got me crying like my OTP has been cheating cry
Guest chapter 4 . 11/3/2012
Thanks for finishing it!
Settees-under-siege chapter 4 . 11/3/2012
Yay, it was so great to finally read the end of this and you tied it up so well. I love the concept of merging the titles with their love, great line!

And Robert wondering where he ended and Cora began? Precious beyond words. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
ModernAmericanGirl chapter 4 . 11/3/2012
This was such a lovely conclusion.

I like the idea that the room served as a sort of intermediary between their dual existences of Robert and Cora and Earl and Countess. It makes sense that they would seek out a space to explore the other side of their relationship. And I think it is fitting that they both recognize it is fairly likely they will fall off again, but it does not necessarily mean they cannot find a new way to come back to one another (as they always will).

On a lighter note, I so loved a befuddled Robert trying to get Cora out of her Corset. His admission that Cora always makes him feel youthful and nervous? So, so adorable and exactly how I picture their relationship.

I'm glad you're back and writing for them again! Yes, let's all play!
IndelibleTraces chapter 4 . 11/3/2012
This was well worth the wait. You capture their emotions so well. Loved the different spin on their relationship. So looking forward to more of your stories.
Alkd chapter 4 . 11/3/2012
Fabulous ending! I was surprised and so pleased to see this chapter.
Nova Super chapter 4 . 11/3/2012
Well I love how that ended. Some really well-written one-liners in there that were just brilliant. I was a little sceptical at the start but i'm glad i kept reading. Nice one :)
MelissaMargaret chapter 4 . 11/2/2012
"At the Inn, propriety had no place." - First of all, I. IZ. DED.

You have dedded me. Also, I'm so happy your back you have no idea! Lettuce commence writing all the porn again, shall we?

Now onto more serious business: This was too beautiful I cannot find my words for how beautiful but if I had to put it on a scale from one to ten I would say eleven billion.
antigone chapter 3 . 10/13/2012
need chapter 4 of this, badly . . . pretty please? :)
Nova Super chapter 3 . 10/13/2012
Just discovered this and i love it! Hoep there's more to come... :)
antigone chapter 3 . 7/31/2012
dying for chapter 4 . . . there is a fourth part to this, right? the first 3 chapters are so well written and the story is so perfectly put together, i just have to know how it ends!
Lady Razorsharp chapter 3 . 5/4/2012
Oh this breaks my heart, it's so sweet and lovely. It must have been so difficult for their caste to ever find love with their spouses...they are the exception to the rule. Sweet with just a touch of spice, nothing too overt (i adored Roberts reply-"if a man cant form a sentence"). Nicely done.
ModernAmericanGirl chapter 3 . 4/23/2012
This is so excellent. I love the dynamic you've created between them, and I can't wait to see where it goes :)
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