Reviews for Flight Of Roses
Springflowerangel chapter 6 . 1/16/2019
I love it! Update when u can, I'm excited to read more of this amazing story~
DragonLover50 chapter 6 . 9/4/2015
Way cool
Sky leafstep chapter 6 . 5/29/2014
Please must have more!
Sky aka Tiger chapter 6 . 5/23/2014
Please make more.
Sansational23 chapter 6 . 8/18/2013
MissDbzMedabots chapter 6 . 5/4/2013
Dear Tori, it's been a while since I wrote or read any kind of fanfiction, and of SWAT Kats fanfiction there's simply not enough out there either way. Usually, I don't know original character/main character fics, but this story captured me from chapter 1. You have a nice flow in your writing, you choose the finer words, very descriptive sentences so you can picture everything in your mind. 3 You just have some great moments in this fic, like the 'confrontation' between Laurie and Luke. That was awesome and very real. I hope to read more soon! :D
Purple GummyCorn chapter 5 . 1/14/2013
I love it! The last statement about the Swat kats was my fav. I got a little nervous when like said he'll find her though. Can't wait till next chappie! This story has really good potential! Keep going!
Purple GummyCorn chapter 4 . 1/14/2013
This one was adorable! I wonder why the last parts are always my favorite... Huh. Again loved it!
Purple GummyCorn chapter 3 . 1/14/2013
Awesome! I totally love it. I'm defiantly gonna favorite this one! Love the last part especially. Keep going!
DeadlyWriter chapter 5 . 12/28/2012
i really liked this story! it was getting really good
Constanza Rose chapter 5 . 9/23/2012
More! I am loving this story! Please update soon.
Kiyo13 chapter 5 . 8/22/2012
Please write more more! Please this story so far is so awesome and cute!
Trekker77 chapter 5 . 7/31/2012
Cool, good for Razor and T-bone, they deserve it! Heh, Feral is probably livid, but who cares? As for Laurie, she should call Chance and tell him what her jerk ex-boyfriend Luke did to her!
DELEON25 chapter 5 . 7/31/2012
Finally! This guy showed up at the right time. That jerk is probably... Nope, can't start guessing ahead of the story just yet.
Trekker77 chapter 4 . 7/31/2012
He He, oh that Laurie really has got Chance under her spell.. what's next for the couple, hmm?
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