Reviews for Portrait of a Lady
Chickwriter chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
However did I miss this? Oh, it's terrific... the hunt, the children, the horses' names! (Pudding! Bumble!) You're a wonderful writer and this is just such a treat to read on a cold March day. I know you're probably terribly busy at university, but if inspiration strikes again.. this is a lovely universe you've created. Well done (a year late!)
charlienotcharlotte chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
Oh, I absolutely loved this! It was perfect!
didyouhaveagoodtime chapter 1 . 6/17/2012
That was really beautiful, M/M, their new roles, their perfect children, they perfect love.

Thank you for sharing :)
this-unfriended-stem chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
Well done! You have written the most In Character Matthew and Mary I have ever read.

Grammar and spelling was great, and your take on their children was really sweet too (although I did notice that the fourth paragraph is nearly identical to a passage in Eva Ibbotson's A Company Of Swans. Oh well, we've all done it.)

I would be interested in reading an entire fan fic in this vein actually, so I'll be putting this story on alert (hint, hint).

I look forward to seeing some of your other work,

Tegan :)

P.S You write with refreshing sentiment.
EOlivet chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
What a wonderful glimpse into a lovely future! :D I'm a huge fan of full circle, so I ADORED how you used the portraits! :) It was a fabulous technique to introduce M/M, their family and what had happened to everyone (hee, I LOVED that Edith married another Patrick! Perfect! :) I think you captured Mary's gentle temperment as a mother without making her too indulgent - brilliant! Loved the moment with Matthew and Hettie at the piano, the emotional nature of the hunt (aww!) and of course Mary's happy news at the end (YAY!) So sweet! Hope this is the first of many M/M stories - keep writing! :)
InspirationPoint chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
Aww! A very well-written and beautiful story! Hope you write more Mary and Matthew in the future; you have quite the knack for it!
OrangeShipper chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
Aaaahhh I really, really love this! It's a tremendously sweet portrayal of their future, and... oh, I hope it really is like this! Romantic and heartfelt without being overly sentimental, and I always love Earl!Matthew... But more than that I adored the way Mary conducted herself, and held herself together, and how she and Matthew supported each other so wholly.

The children are *darling*! And ahhhhh that they're to have another! (Also, VIOLET! WIN.)

Love the opening and ending with the portraits... oh, I do love it. You've a real talent, and I very much hope you'll write more!
a-happy-little-ending chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
Oh my goodness, I absolutely loved this! :D You write so beautifully and everyone was so in character, I could really picture it happening in my head. Plus the children were absolutely adorable, and all the domestic fluff just made my heart explode with love, I adore seeing Mary and Matthew so happy. Seriously brilliant job, and well done! X
darkblueyank chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
I'm glad you decided to do some creative writing, this was a lovely story and a nice look at Matthew and Mary taking on the role of Earl and Countess. The description of the children's ponies made me think of a picture of "Thelwell ponies", fat round things! LOL.
MistressBlack523 chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
this was such a wonderful portrayal into their lives in the future. their children are utterly adorable and loved how you showed some of the events through their eyes (i can absolutely see them sneaking to banister to catch a glimpse of the ball)

hahah loved that violet kept walking in on them when they were embracing/being coupley lol

this was all brilliant :)