Reviews for life is bleak for butlers and the lovelorn
kate811 chapter 1 . 11/2/2015
This is one of my favorite fics. Such a great idea and so in character!

Part 1:

"You want to go watch a crusty old whore sing for two hours and then kick the bucket?" she asks, cursing her existence.
"More than anything," he answers promptly. "Since when do you sing?"

Honestly one of my favorite exchanges I’ve ever read. I laughed out loud!

Part 2:

My heart breaks a little bit that no one remembers CC’s birthday, but my heart grew three times its size when Niles is the only one who remembers it. Really like the way you worded this: “she has an air of abject misery about her, like a cartoon character flattened by a piano.” So descriptive! And then her calling him the saddest person she knows (with a hint of relief ) and him patting her on the shoulder (“an accidental flare-up of affection” ugh such good writing) and sending her out into the rain without an umbrella. Love it.

Part 3:

This is totally something that would have happened on the show. Love that you included CC not knowing the kids’ names. I laughed out loud at these parts: “Niles is cutting the ends off of Red Vines and sticking them into rootbeer floats. At least someone's life is less fulfilling than hers.” And “Who the hell is Miss Grace?" God you just know these characters so well.

Part 4:

I love that CC went looking for Niles just to tease him about having to clean up Brighton’s vomit on his birthday, and then teases him about giving him a raise. What an angel. And that he considers himself off his game when he calls her a woman and she catches him on it. "are you starting to go soft in your old age? Emotionally, I mean. Physically, I'd say you've had it covered for a long time now." So damn good.

Part 5:

So not only do you have Niles and CC down pat, you also have the rest of the Sheffields and Fran. Maxwell trying to describe the scene from What’s Up Doc was so funny to me. “When Niles takes the long way around the room for no reason other than to have the opportunity to step on her foot, she feels absurdly grateful.” Honestly this sentence describes Niles and CC’s relationship perfectly. CC finishing her champagne before Maxwell’s finished his long toast to Miss Fine is perfect. And then the whole disaster of Fran catching on fire and passing out and CC watching while eating her cupcake and licking the frosting off her fingers is amazing. I love how you ended it, too. Niles calling her a “Demon woman” and CC smiling because he totally meant it as a term of endearment. Sorry I wrote so much, I just really loved this fic!
Izumi-tan chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
Looooooooooool xD jajajajajaja So funny the last part xD hahahah "Demon woman" jajajaja xD
lrigD chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
You got the tone just right! I always think that The Nanny (or comedy shows in general) are very hard to convert into writing because they're such specific types of humour - but you managed. More importantly, you nailed Niles and CC's relationship. The way they hate each other but are still grateful that the other is there... I can't even explain it, but you did, in this story. Well done!
cajunghost chapter 1 . 6/27/2012
lol. I couldnt help but laugh at the end. LOL
rx9872 chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
This was cute. A nice read. Good idea using everyone's birthdays, not just Niles' and CC's.
KB91 chapter 1 . 5/21/2012
Your story has left me with a ridiculously happy smile on my face. Everything about it was awesome. Great writing, fun situations, snappy dialogue. I can just picture the final scene in my head and it's brilliant. Well done!
Truffle Piglet chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
This is terrific. The tone, thoughts and dialogue are perfect.

Please write more C.C. and Niles stories!
eeeldee chapter 1 . 5/3/2012
oh man, this has made my night. The Nanny is so much better than I gave it credit for when I was ten.
slm38 chapter 1 . 4/27/2012
Wonderful. Very funny and touching. You definitely captured their banter and personalities.
DeepestBlueOcean chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
Very nice,totally into character!I hope you will write more Nanny stories in the future :)
FuyuKoneko chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
Great story. I feel like you've captured their interactions and personality perfectly. It was like watching an episode of the Nanny.
nrfan chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
LOVED this. great concept with the 5 birthdays, like that everyone was so in character, especially enjoyed cc's take on maxwell's parenting. so cute how cc and niles had their little moments in each of the sections, my fave niles being the only one to remember her bday, her shock and then his need to go back to the normalcy of insults was perfect.

honestly, can't say it enough, they were so in character! thank you for that! the quality/quantity of bantering was refreshing and it was easy to envision this actually happening on the show. not cheesy at all, which is so rare in fanfiction so congrats on that.

and the inner thoughts were a great touch:

"The Red Vines, she privately admits, are a nice touch." wonderful. love your writing style, to the point with the right amount of narrative.

hope we see more from you soon! :)
LaurenLaneLover chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
This was so funny! I loved it!