Reviews for A Thing For Roaches
Angel's Anthem chapter 2 . 8/13/2013
Yeah, when I said I was the only one to review... I meant the only one out a few to review. Sorry about the confusion. BUT I MEANT WHAT I SAID. This story should have WAY more reviews because it's an amazing start. Please, please, please update soon! I really want to read more of this. And, by the way, Soap's introduction was hilarious! XD
Angel's Anthem chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
I cannot believe this doesn't have more reviews. I'm astonished, actually. I love this idea, and I love the concept! I really, really want to read "everything from their first meeting, all the way to that one last kiss they had shared." :) It's been A REALLY long time since you've updated this, and I know I'm your only reviewer, but please... PLEASE consider updating this! I really, really want to read more!
FirstNobody chapter 2 . 4/25/2012
Two things

1.) I love this

2.) try and make the chapters just a tad bit bigger :3 please

Oh and a 3rd.) UPDATE SOON! Nobody like 8D

FirstNobody chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
8D! This is amazing - this chapter was cool! And...and...&&&&&& YOUR AMAZING! I never thought this idea would of come up :) Please update! On to the next chapter! ONWARD!

S.S.D.D chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
i thought this was going to be funny but when i read it, it was so sad :( it was good tho but sad, good writing aswell haha
anon chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
I like the idea, I really hope you continue this! I'm pleasantly surprised at how good your writing is!