Reviews for First dance
foreverautumn99 chapter 1 . 12/24/2019
very good
Chelsietx chapter 1 . 3/30/2019
Very nice! I don’t think I’ve read it before.
BootRat chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
This was fantastic, thank you :) I love that he rescued her, and this gave her the confidence to ask him to her parlour for 'help' ;)
CaptainAlice chapter 1 . 4/29/2012
Simply adorable! They're so precious! I adore your writing and hope to read more. :)
griseldalafey chapter 1 . 4/28/2012
I adore Charles & Elsie - the early years and this one was great. I can easily picture Charles being a wall of grey and it was very gentleman-like of him to come ot her rescue like that. And of course he wasnt in the least bit jealous.
ellie987 chapter 1 . 4/27/2012
This is absolutely lovely. And sweet! It's so them to argue about things, they're both so stubborn and they always want to be right so I can totally see them quarreling over the staff and the dance. But then awww! Charles in his shiny armour. So love it. Just as much as Elsie getting all worked up because she can defend herself and then softening. Looove the ending.
the maids diaries chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
Such a lovely fic! Really adorable and sweet. God bless that rude banker that made Carson ask her to dance! I love dancing scenes, don’t know why, and this one was perfect!

And I hope they have helped each other after that, in many ways!
onmyside chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
Oh you can't stop now! I want more fluff! There can never be enough fluff!

It's always wonderful how Carson saves Mrs. Hughes and I also love to see them fight - they are both so stubborn. If it was up to me: they could have danced all night and never stop.
TeaPowder chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
I'm not an huge fan of young!Chelsie, but I have to admit, the way you write about them is awesome. So, CharlesElsieInitialArgumentDance LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT! :D
kouw chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
Ah, this was so lovely, thank you. A joy to read and with a fantastic flow through the entire thing.
18tilIdie chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
I'm not sure about the fluff you mention because the expression "So that we can help each other" holds an entirely new meaning in my mind, certainly pertaining to their universe and I had to read through several times to think about the coherence of their conversation with regard to the rest of the exchange until I realized in this case it is (still) an innocent, innocuous expression! Well done, keep all this "so called" fluff coming our way, I just call it good old common sense between highly sensible people in an Edwardian setting! Made myself laugh at my own expense thanks to you!
OSUSprinks chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
Oh so wonderful! I love the dance and the way she stood up to him about going. lol I like to think he was nursing that beer, grumbling because she was dancing with other men and was on his way to ask her when the ruddy baker got in his way. So wonderful. No, she's not a child, is she, Charles. lol

Thanks for sharing!
CrazyMaryT chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
I can't thank you enough. This was fantastically lovely.

I loved Charles coming to her rescue. *sighs*

So wonderful.
Hogwarts Duo chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
Absolutely adorable, perfect, sweet, lovely, awesome ... and several more adjectives that I could use ... I love this story and it's going on my favorites list. I especially liked how they had their row and then, thanks to the rude baker, it was all turned upside down and ending on a "glorious" note. Squee!