Reviews for Just Jonah
Rival Argentica chapter 1 . 1/15/2017
"Behind a bright smile is a dark soul."

Now, this is what you call a Janus art. Wow. I am thoroughly impressed. Like, frozen-like-a-statue-with-my-mouth-gaping-in-amazement-at-you impressed. This was so beautiful that it gave me goosebumps. The lines were so relateable (at least to me), and the metaphors were so perfect. I felt like a was holding a broken shard of mirror right in front of me, painted with the red of roses after I pulled it out of my chest ever since you stabbed me right from this fic's first line.

Also, I find the idea of Jonah having athazagoraphobia interesting. You might not even see this review, but I just want to say that I MIGHT go deeper in that in the future...
ginnyweasly22 chapter 1 . 4/7/2016
This is really really good.
Floatfoot chapter 1 . 4/19/2013
Really creative, I think the vagueness is part of its charm.
Cecelia S. Bradley chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
We're not going to forget you. Reading your LiveJournal, I saw you there and Amy, I don't even frequent FanFiction much anymore, but I miss you. And the archive just has this Amy-sized hole in it. Which is okay, because people leave and people come, but...

I just wanted to say, thank you for giving us your heart in your writing. I'm not going to forget you. Thanks for the friendship stories to make us smiles and the angst-y ones when I needed to cry and the beautiful, beautiful romances to give hope.

Goodbye. Thank you. Best wishes in all of your writing. If you ever get published, I won't be surprised. I'll keep a lookout for new "Amy"s.

And no, I'm not exaggerating; please take this as praise, but also truth. Because you are just that wonderful.

God bless,

SilentJay chapter 1 . 6/8/2012
I cried. That's just . . . the best songfic ever, except it's not quite a songfic :)
ghettos chapter 1 . 5/8/2012

I thought it was lovely; really sad, yet somehow bittersweet.(:

great job, Amy


music4evah chapter 1 . 5/6/2012
How did I not know about this until today? Don't I have you on author alert, or something? Gah. Amy, you're such a sweet pea.(: I love you- thank you SO much for writing this for me.

And it is slightly confusing, but I think I get most of it. I'd love to hear whatever awesomely deep insights you had, though! But I love how it just centered around music and was that whole bittersweet thing that we talked about.(: You're amazing, Amy. Thank you so, so much.
FUZZY BUNNIES chapter 1 . 4/29/2012
Brilliant. Just brilliant. Amazing. Beautiful. Sad. Gorgeous. Intriguing. Brill-i-ant. It was so lovely. The bond, the connection, poor family. It makes me want to cry. Cry in a good way.
simply sadie chapter 1 . 4/27/2012
At first, I thought I got it: Broderick didn't want Jonah to lose sight of why he sings in the first place. It made sense to me . . .

For awhile.

Then I started looking deeper into things (I blame the exams; today was the last day, thank God). So, yeah, expect a PM to come to you a bit later into the day xD

I love this story. I like reading into the point of view of "minor" characters. I loved this style of writing, especially the lyrics (admittedly, I sort of made up my own melody and sang it . . . )! Anyway, I just really love the format and wording.

My favorite line? "Everyone wants to be perfect, but is perfect really worth it?" That line was . . . PERFECT.
Mrsbellacullenswangrrlxxx chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
That. Was. Amazing :D You have a great writing style!
Volcanic Lily chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
Wow. You've really been on a roll lately, haven't you? :)

Anyway, I thought this was great. Incredibly sad- I'll admit, I'm tearing up right now, though perhaps that can also be partially attributed to the fact that a sad father/son song came on right as I started reading this fic, which is a strange coincidence.

All right, I'll stop rambling. Again, this was sad, but very good at the same time. There aren't nearly enough fics about Jonah, or about his relationship with his father, and there definitely aren't enough that explore Broderick's point of view on things. Really good job. :)

39cluesgal chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
Aww! Poor Jonah! I feel so bad for him. I love broken Jonah and Broderick though. It really fits with Jonah's character and all Broderick wants is to lOve him:)