Reviews for Firewhiskey Kisses
WhoCares chapter 3 . 10/10
a) Ririus, duh. b) Irene isn't nearly as annoying as some people manage to make the fangirls be.
berryfarfelle chapter 39 . 4/20
ive been binge reading this for the past few days and my heart is so full and sad. i honestly can’t believe this was written way back in 2012. it was so beautifully written and i love love loved your character so much. this is definitely one of my favorite sirius/oc fics. hope you’re doing well where ever you arethank you for writing this. stay safe!
n chapter 18 . 6/14/2019
You literally said in the previous chapter she wanted to be a journalist bc the wizard world tore her family apart...
ElizabethJ21 chapter 38 . 3/8/2018
How dare you make me read 38 chapters of this magnificent story in one sitting and make it end in death. Of course I knew they had to die, I guessed that might happen, but it was so happy and pure that I was hoping that the ending would change, that Sirius and Rachel would get a happy ending, but no. They're dead, they died together, and no matter how fitting I find the ending and how much I think the whole piece was fantastic, my heart is breaking for them. So how dare you write such a fantastic piece and make me feel for them only to kill them. How dare you make me feel things.
Rani chapter 10 . 11/7/2016
I think the spy might be Malfoy. And I think Malfoy will tell the entire school about them two.
Tamara chapter 39 . 4/3/2016
Why did you do this to me, honestly? It was all nice and cute and in Hogwarts they were together and then you started killing them. Why? At about three quarters of it I started to cry and did not stop until it was finished. Sure you could not have changed what actually happened except to stop earlier. It was just so painful to read. It's really well written though, even though the time gaps were confusing sometimes. But you made me cry, you made me care for them.
Amber.Lxuise chapter 39 . 11/29/2015
what. the. actual. hell?
argghhhhh! best story I've read!
FlowerChild23 chapter 39 . 11/9/2015
emeraldblossom34 chapter 39 . 10/26/2015
OMG THIS WAS SO AMAZING AND SAD! This story was beautiful and u made me cry at the end. Ugh nice job:)
Cannas chapter 39 . 10/14/2015
Ok, great, I'm crying! This was so awfully beautiful and fucking amazing and...the hell with it, I'm gonna go cry in my bed now and never tell anyone how I feel that stories like these are so perfect that I want to scream when looking at reality. You did a fucking great job. Have a goddamn cookie.
Cannas chapter 32 . 10/14/2015
I absolutely love your fanfic! It's amazingly written, and for once, I can actually relate to the character. The time skips are sometimes a little confusing, but cleared up quite quickly, and the only thing that bothers me is that I already know how all of this is going to end...When I just read "one year-old Harry" I almost started crying, realising that Harry's parents died the Halloween after Harry's first birthday. Thanks for this piece of art!
VickieQW chapter 39 . 9/12/2015
This story was amazing so you can add another tally to the love score. I love it so much that I want to do a book report on it all I need it to know that it's over 150 pages and 2 reviews.
On the only bad thing about this book is it so adicting so now I have a very good reason to day dream about his in class.
Id65 chapter 4 . 11/21/2014
The smell of dust after rain. Sneaky reference.
TheFoxesWhoWantedLove chapter 39 . 10/30/2014
Alright so i forced myself to wait until the very last chapter to review mainly because i wanted to get it all done at once, but also because half the time i was either laughing too hard, gasping because it was so surprised, or crying too hard. I love this story so much, and you have no idea the emotional rollar coaster i have been on while reading it. I damn near started sobbing when they found out that Dorcus died, and shed quite a few tears when Marlene did. By the time Sirius and Rachel died, i was too tired out to cry real tears. Now my stomach is all tight because i'm so sad, and yet also i love the way that the story ended. Honestly, i just love that, no matter how much i could tell that you probably would have preferred that they all (or atleast most of them) stayed alive, you stuck to the canon and managed to do so wonderfully. if you were to ever publish a real story, i cannot say that i would be discouraged from reading it. this story turned out great and i sincerely hope that i can read more of your works. Usually i would say what was wrong with the story as well as the right, but honestly i cant think of anything. Again, i loved the story. Thank you so much for writing it!
ArtemisKirara7 chapter 39 . 5/19/2014
This was beautiful and sad at the same time
war sucks
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