Reviews for Naughty Little Plaything
sea-salt kisses chapter 1 . 5/15/2012
OH MY GOD SO CUTE. Loved it.
ShiShi-theLION chapter 1 . 5/13/2012
this was a very very cute story but I will admit I would have really like it more if you would have taken more time with it and made it longer, content wise it should have been a few chapters long, just saying because it was a bit rushed feeling, especially at the end. more information about what Roxas was woudld have been nice too, just saying. I loved it :] but I would have loved it more for I was longer...
TheVendingMachine chapter 1 . 5/9/2012
OHMYFUCKINGGOD THAT WAS SO AWESOME. 8D You had me grinning like an idiot the whole time. :DDD ASOLUTELY LOVED IT!
qilorar chapter 1 . 5/9/2012
I liked how everything developed
mudkipluvr4ever chapter 1 . 5/4/2012
Cute story, I really liked it! I was thinking it was going to be super dirty but it was adorable and written so well! Roxas became somebody.
ancafexlover chapter 1 . 5/3/2012
That was so good! Not even good! This was touching and sweet and funny and gahhhhhhh it was truly a wonderful story! Haha you totally distracted me from my hw but it was freakin worth it! Really this was just fantastic!
zombiecupcake'eats-you chapter 1 . 5/2/2012
...yes that was AWESOME! Oh my, loved it soooooo much and I'm glad it turned out all good.
slimegirl chapter 1 . 5/1/2012
That...was absolutely fantastic.

That had to be one of the best one shots I have ever read. It was absolutely adorable and just...just wonderful.

I can't even express to you how much I loved it.

It was beautiful. Roxas transformation into a human,his gain of emotions, was just amazing. His jealousy, his sadness, his loneliness...everything.

I have to admit, when Roxas went off on Naminé, I laughed. It was great. I can just imagine her face. cx

Anyway, the ending was perfect. I loved it. I ADORED it.

Gosh, I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. I hope this review made sense. xD

This is why I don't review stories I really like. I tend to ramble on and start talking about stuff you probably don't care right now. xD

Well, I just wanted to say you are an amazing writer and I loved this story. It was amazing. It was worth reading, even if I was reluctant at first for some reason.
this-account-'s-very-dead chapter 1 . 5/1/2012
This was such a sweet story. Very well done. I loved how you didn't just make Roxas and Axel fall in love. It took them time to see theses feeling. Oh and how Roxas finally became human... it made me very happy to read that.
Whitika Oblivion chapter 1 . 5/1/2012
Awww I'm so glad I subscribed to you that was so cute I loved Roxas going against Namine I was literally cheering for him.

Poor Axel getting left behind by everyone too :'( least he has Roxas now~
carnival-cafe chapter 1 . 4/30/2012
I'm so glad that I let my curiosity get the best of me and read this. I really loved the way you handled the setting of Twilight Town and made great use of the original basis of it like in the game by keeping Yen Sid and his Mysterious Tower in the storyline (: Really, this was a great read and the interaction between the characters, specifically Roxas' development and budding relationship with Axel flowed amazingly through the timeline. I still can't get over how you weaved Yen Sid into the story and then Roxas' transformation into a human. Again, this is great! I hope to read more of your stories in the future (: