Reviews for Homecoming
Mischief Tea chapter 1 . 1/24/2017
What the heck?! *laughing* That was cute, but... Duo, squirrels? Really? XD I did not expect that to suddenly take the turn it did. there a particular REASON that he considers squirrels to be a considerable threat?

Meanwhile, Hilde is, in fact, the cutest human being.
justwildbeat-rhythmemotion chapter 1 . 7/8/2015
Wow, this is an amazing work! Thanks so much for writing it! _
BGwildroze chapter 1 . 7/6/2006
LOL! Yeah Duo is extremely cute, but seems to have little 'problems' wouldn't you agree? LOL, great job!
Smarty Cat chapter 1 . 5/25/2006
curious fan chapter 1 . 5/24/2006
*Ahem* Your fanfic provides a valuable lesson to us all in regards to how evil all squirrel's are. Don't let the cute faces fool you, their rotten to the core. :)
Omnicat chapter 1 . 1/22/2006
Aw! *goes all girly, giggling included* How cute! Squirrellphobia, how do you get up with it?
sdl64533 chapter 1 . 12/6/2005
Smarty Cat,

I think it would be awesome if you could continue this fanfic. I know it is meant to be a one shot. I've read it and reread it for about as long as you8've had it up on and I think it is such a good story and you are such a good writer that the story could be expanded.

A moment might be paid to explain "his memory-driven fear" (the squirrels) but I'd like it to be more sappy romance. It would be so absolutely wonderful to experience Hilde and Duo discovering their newfound feelings for each other. Or newly discovered.

If you do decide to give this story a second shot I would appreciate it, whatever you decide to do with it and whatever direction you go in, very much.


Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2005
LOL LOL loved the fic!

although duo seems to have an abnormal phobia of the cute fuzzy creatures...

well...i suppose if the squirrels are overly affectionate...they probably have rabies LOL
Ebony Light chapter 1 . 3/6/2005
Dou is afraid of squirls! LOL that's great! i love it!
inappropriate laughter chapter 1 . 2/2/2005
. . . Ne? Why is Duo afraid of the widdle squirrels? *blinks*
matchynishi chapter 1 . 12/23/2004
lol, this was great! I especially liked the last line. *giggles*
Cat Avatar for the DCG chapter 1 . 10/20/2004
Pshshshsh... The thought of the feared 'Shinigami', pilot of one of the five gundams that sent Oz pilots to be shivvering, afraid of squirrels has completly undone me! Thanks for writing- it was cute!
C.Queen chapter 1 . 2/5/2004
Attack of the killer squirrels! Run for your lives! lol. Interesting, the big bad God of Death afraid of squirrels hehehe. Anyway a cute one shot and a nice ending I must say. As always keep up the good work and all that other encouraging stuff you'd normally put for an author as great as u.
Kitahoshi chapter 1 . 12/5/2003
LOL! *munches ice cream* That was great! Very funny though, who knew that a gundam pilot would be afraid of a squirrel? Cute , innocent, fuzzy...*squirrels attack* 0_0 * runs*
SG07 chapter 1 . 7/7/2003
I thought that the squirl part was really funny. I always imagined that Quatre would be the one that was afraid of squirld, but Duo fits the part much better.
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