Reviews for Used To This
Deepizzaguy chapter 1 . 5/3/2012
At least Tony Stark knows how to keep his locker room that his armor away from strangers. Pretty cool story. Iron Man is one my favorite super hero from the Marvel universe since I rememember him from the Marvel Super Heroes hour back in the 1960s that I saw on Armed Forces Television in Panama and the comic books in the 1970s. My favorite Iron Man comic book is number 60-61 when Iron Man battled The Masked Marauder from Daredevil comic book fame not to be confused with the Meat Marauder from Word Girl to mention Avenger comic book #115 "Beneath Us The Battle" with some English underground dwellers. Boy has Iron Man changed in almost 40 years from Invincible to Superb Invincible with his many armors that would Mil Mascaras of Mexican wrestling fame envy (Man Of A Thousand Masks). Short and sweet but effective. Welcome back to the A Train going to Albrook Mall crazyromboy78. A train is the name of a New York City subway and the nickname of my "girlfriend" Iris Avila Moreno who is a real person but lives in another country located in Central America I guess.
Marvel789 chapter 1 . 5/3/2012
Good to know you're not dead XD well your one-shot is really really REALLY cute so good job .
SilverPedals1402 chapter 1 . 5/2/2012
This was really cute! I loved it! I've been waiting for some kind of update cause nobody seems to be updating their stories and this was exactly what i needed to stay sane. THANK YOU! Sorry i just have tons of free time. So i am on fanfiction a lot. So yeah...

Well back to your story. I LOVED it soo much! Great job!