Reviews for Live Forever
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Oh my god! How have I never discovered you before? I just read your other story, Once Upon A Dream, and left a review there with pretty much everything you need to know. This one was kind of nostalgic happiness, still really, really good and quite emotion-provoking too, though not exactly light happiness, or "fluffy". But, honestly, I prefer this to fluff, if only that it makes it seem more real _. I can't really give you any tips for happy writing, since my writing style is focused more angst/adventure, less on romance ;D But, I really like your style! And I think it's happy enough as it is I hope to read more from you soon! XD Thank you for the story And the other one since I forgot to thank you there, too
LMeg9.20 chapter 1 . 5/5/2012
I thought for a one-shot, the length was perfect. You say you need help on writing happier fics, but I personally prefer stuff like this write here. It started off happy with Kaito and Shinichi's relationship, it got a little sad when Kaito disappeared for almost a year, and than it got happier when Kaito returned. When you think about it, you really need sadness in order to appreciate the happy moments. A completely happy fic is just a fluff fic, and those can be nice too, but I prefer these emotional roller coaster fics, especially when they end with a happy ending.

At first, I thought that maybe Kaito had died, and I swear if I accidentally read another tragedy fic, I'm going to murder the author for making me cry. I almost skipped to the end to see if Kaito was dead, but decided against it. I'm glad I did because I would have been sad if I had spoiled a perfectly good ending.

Nice job with the fic!
Cyanide Flowers chapter 1 . 5/4/2012
That was so CUTE! As a fellow Kaishin lover/writer, I found it to be absolutely adorable! You did a really good job with the mixing of the lyrics and the story, so it felt like one whole thing rather than two seperate things put together. Oh, the talent I lack XD

Sorry, I rambled. Anyways, this was beautiful, PLEASE continue writing Kaishin, as there is a depressing lack of it in this fandom.

~Cyanide Flowers, AKA Hana-chan