Reviews for Good Tactic, Alois
Suneeku chapter 1 . 7/29/2014
Lol love the story!
ladyoffuntom chapter 1 . 11/23/2013
This is really good! I love this paring, they're my otp! Please update morz!? CX
OperativeKND-Berry14 chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
Um...i don't want to sound mean or anything but I have to say this... WHERE ARE YOU IM WATING VERY PATIENTLY FOR YOUR NEXT AMAZING UPDATE TO THIS GREAT STORY.

I LOVE IT SO FAR. Alois you sly devil you :) always making people confuse but everyone loves you. Ciel I like how you have him he's a gentlemen who keeps his composure but I wonder what would happen if he didn't good luck Lizzy ;) oh and Claude...hahaha you got kissed by Alois the sexual harasser lol was it fuunnnn ;D
RayenOfDeadStarsAndPlanets chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
This was lovely!
Ciel chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
Kanari Glemmens chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Love it! Please continue!
The Side Of The Angels In 221B chapter 1 . 9/1/2012
Er...are you going to continue this? Please do.
EllaSoulEaterFan chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I freak'n loved this! Keep writing o-o Please...I beg you...xDD
noivocaine chapter 1 . 6/26/2012
I loved it XD
altrilast13 chapter 1 . 5/28/2012 was quite funny when alois said "you have witnessed a miracle"..haha XD...i really found your story quite more in the humor than it is in the romance..great job on making the was also nice that elizabeth made friends with alois since i kind of ship the two ever since i saw a picture of them dancing together
shez.ur.destiny chapter 1 . 5/7/2012
Oh my freakin' noodle muffins…Dude this fanfiction is like the friggen Holy Bible!

Lizzy-sama you have the patience of a friggen saint! I remember when my mom brought me to "bring your kid to work day". She was in this boring a*ss meeting and to entertain myself, I started to scream the lyrics of "I'm A Goofy Goober" from teh Spongebob movie. And her do*uche baggy boss told me to shut up so I bit him. They cancelled that because of me xD

Heh heh imagine if I was in Ciel's meeting. I'd sing the "Do you like Waffles?" song! Mwhahaha! :3 No! The Gummy Bear song! No! I'm sexy and I know heh heh. WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE YEAH!

Lol, "Woe is me?" Really Lizzy? This ain't the Wizard of Oz my precious noodle muffin! :3 I had a noodle muffin today. Ish wush good :D

Alriiiiiiight! Trancy is up in dis ish! Wait I just realized Trampy's -cough- I mean Trancy's name is in teh character discription thingy. And in the title. Wow, I feel very retarded right now :/

Ughhh…Lizzy, you son of a blee blob. Okay I know this is soooo off topic but I don't get the phrase "son of a…" when you say it to a chick. I mean wouldn't you say "daughter of a…"? Idk. Anyways, LIZZY YOU DAUGHTER OF A BLEE BLOB!

I wanna spend the day w/ Alois-sama! Hmmh... me spending the day with Alois Trampy -cough cough ahem- damn what's wrong w/ me today. Alois Trancy. We could totally have some hot heavy hard core…PILLOW FIGHTS XD Yep there's nothing like a hard-core, hot and heavy pillow fight going on. XD

Oh snap! Alois is gettin' jiggy wit' it! Alois, stop trying to bang bang Claude. That's mah job dude xD /shot by Alois.

DUDE! When you said something about the organ when Claude and Trancy were goin' at it, I fell out my flippin' chair and had a mental fan girl seizure. But then I re-read it and figured out you meant the tougue xD. Not only am I acting mentally retarded today, I'm perverted too. You might wanna re-word that. Us perverted retards might die of nosebleeds c: Then we'd have to haunt you for the next years.

Oooh, Ciely-poo! Are you jelly? Haha! Ciely is jealous of Trampy! Aww cute!

Oh Sebby-chan. You're a hot mess, you demon muffin! Just gonna laugh at your master's jealousy. HELLS YEAH! I'd take pictures! Jelly Ciel is always funneh!

Anyways, Dude I friggen wuv you 'fer writin' 'tis little 'ole fanfiction! It's so funneh and smexii at the same time! I love readin' 'bout teh friendship of Alois Trampy and Lizzy-bear! Even if it is fake! Love the fanfiction, dah-ling!


I want another noodle muffin :/