Reviews for Protective
hi chapter 4 . 12/16/2014
awwwwwwww why did you have to stop! I neeedddd to read this!

please please please update i need to see what happens to my baby!
hi chapter 3 . 12/16/2014
ummmm, awwwkkkward yes. I totally agrees with you - balancing love trianges is hard, let alone a love square. And you missed Katara coming in to see Mako shirtless and Korra in only a bra...
hi chapter 2 . 12/16/2014
Awwwwwww he's so pitiful and adorable! I want to read a fic about Katara taking care of Feverish Zuko!

love the panic her disappearance induced. And yes, she is not just a chess piece.
hi chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
awwww i love this! and yes, korra is still korra, even when she's all dolled up. Kinda like toph.

sick mako is adorable. Now, to decide if sick and denying Mako is better than sick and denying Zuko...
Guest chapter 4 . 6/13/2014
uytdyrggfgygccyfdggfdffffffffffffffffffjfhfhfhfhvvhffhvvhhvhvhfuggufhchfhdjddudjfhddjfjffhfhfhfhcnchhfhchhfhfhfyfhcfhfhfhfhfhfhvhvvhdrtyytgfrdfdddddddsssssddtuigftyr highlighting hgfgghfjghufjyhdfighuthucivuguiugjgfiyxduhhyj
ryfygffdfvgggvbgbvggghgghhhhhygggguftrryyttyffggyyhgvhngnvffcujjnfccujhhtgnrbhyuyhythuuuhtfyuhttbghfyyjnhbhuhjgnfcyjjnfnfgjjnvivjjnbtnnhfttttgfvygchjngbujngnnbvhyvcuhcfn nbnuyhtjcffbfvcv. vvcjffnnbnnbvvnvfccyjhfnnnvjjcffbfbnnvccjncffvfbf fcjnnbvvvjcn. bncnnnjnjnnbnccjncn v. Bbhjhbffcnbcfbchgffcngjvjjymbmvnbbgvjfgnngnnjjnghnhbgytjchbfbjhhcicjjjcvhnngbnhbnb. . . HB b b hjnbncntgn.. v yffhnn b. b bnnngnn. bvbb. bbbnn. bbngnvbfv b nvgf vb vbvb. nbvjgnnn. vv. vvgg. vgcffv bvgtg vgccfvv. vnnnb v vgjuuhvnn. . ghnn nbmmh n. nutcmhgv vgvvv v cfnh n f b. jycvnhbb n. Nnvhnv. nnhgygbf bnbujgmhvvbnbvgvf bvvfngbb bnbbmbgjuunvtnnbn nn b. jufmhttfbnnbvvvukjmnf. v n. btgm b. mvccfttfvc cnf vf. vvcgttfg v. bbvghhbbb n.. v cfhmnffvbbvuthmn v. VG b b... nnnvhtnh. b. b. Mm n. Hh. g bthe f bv.. b gmuuhhhnf.. Ytjyttgfgjygbnbbb Ytjyttgfgjygbnbbbnbbbjvgghgbghgjhghh
carameltootsieroll chapter 1 . 6/4/2013
Ohmygod Mako is so cute :( I hope you allow me some time to fangirl for a moment. I find the tension between them written to a perfect level. Not too much cheesiness going on, with just the right amount of uneasiness. AGHHH SO CUUTE. MAKO :( KORRA. MAKORRA. AAAAHHHH

HAHA okay. I am done. Here's for the technical part. I really love your use of words. Your personality as an author really shines through your poetic use of words. Like how you described the sunset and stuff like that. And Korra and Mako's emotions about each other. LOVED IT :D You are such a talented writer, I swear. :)
ItsFytos chapter 4 . 2/24/2013
Keep going!
LTDrocksforever chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
Plz Keep updating Royal Animosity PLZ T-T
LOKgirl13 chapter 4 . 8/27/2012
I love it.
Destiny919 chapter 4 . 6/29/2012
/sobbing for no apparent reason except being a fangirl. More please, STAT!
F Y E.enchanted chapter 4 . 6/29/2012
Ahh, you updated! -Swings from a vine.-
Hey, I think you should put those really long lines that FF offers you (-) to act as a divider whenever the setting changes or whatever because I got a tiny bit confused halfway through.
And I'm glad you apologized for the typos you made and gave a tolerable excuse as to why because I did see some. -Head roll, index finger pointed straight up.-
Damn, I'm so jealous of you Look at your VOCABULARY! -Steam, steam, steam, steam.- Really awesome chapter.
I like the outburst between Asami and Korra and how the former admitted to the latter that she found it hard to not dislike her. Haha.
And, hey, when's that joke about 'Bender problems' coming in? I was so looking forward to that! ARG! It better be in the next chapter! Captain's orders!
Makorra123 chapter 4 . 6/29/2012
This is a great story more Makorra moments!
Guest chapter 4 . 6/28/2012
Great story! I really appreciate your vocabulary, punctuation, syntax, and the ability to create such compelling scenes by making the characters stay true to their original personality, all while putting your own style in it.
F Y E.enchanted chapter 3 . 6/20/2012
Oh my gosh, you make me hate Korra! Poor darn Bolin and Asami! -tear-

Well executed, dear, well executed. -Sensei air-

Some typos but good otherwise. And, hmmm, I wonder who they're gonna see
Destiny919 chapter 3 . 6/20/2012
I laughed SO HARD when Bolin walked in and Mako called for Korra. I can't wait for the next update!
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