Reviews for Hello Again
Calanmire424 chapter 9 . 11/4/2016
I just found this story, and I think it's absolutely amazing!
I really loved how their relationship developed. I always thought Spencer needed someone like Lila and I wish the show would bring her back. Spencer needs someone who appreciates everything he is but can also make him have fun and keep him young. I know it's been a long time since you updated this story, but I would really love it if you would continue writing it again.
David Fishwick chapter 9 . 1/6/2016
Brilliant idea so far and I hope there is more soon.
Writingperson chapter 6 . 1/28/2015
I think Reid would know these aren't disney stories tbh, small detail, yet it made the rest seem off
tentsubasa chapter 3 . 11/3/2014
This so far is super freaking adorable. :D I love how gentle they are with each other. :)
summers revenge chapter 9 . 4/4/2013
I love spencer! Can't wait for the next chapter
aiimee chapter 9 . 3/4/2013
great chapter, please update soon :)
Deathagramyuri chapter 9 . 1/14/2013
Wow, I really love this fic.
tannerose5 chapter 9 . 11/5/2012
That was sad, but beautiful. The next few chapters are going to be so difficult to write.
Reading-Bennie chapter 9 . 11/5/2012
You're back! I was worried you'd gone away forever :/ I really like this story! Super huge twist with his mom; sad, but interesting. More please, thank you! Keep up the good work!
Zutaraaa21 chapter 8 . 10/12/2012
Update plz!
Batgirl116 chapter 8 . 9/17/2012
Please please please update! Keep writing the story! I am absolutely loving every word of it!
tannerose5 chapter 7 . 9/1/2012
As usual, you don't disappoint.
Oh, and by the way, I'm now tannerose5. After this summer's upheaval of this website, I wasn't able to log in, or should I say I couldn't talk to an actual human about the problem. Anyway, I just got another account. But I'm still enjoying your story.
tannerose5 as lolyncut
tannerose5 chapter 8 . 9/1/2012
I'm glad I saw this update. Seems like Reid needs some "up close and personal" time with Lila. Keep updating.
Just a thought, but wouldn't it be nice if, in season eight, Reid's girlfriend would turn out to be Lila?
The Sand Alchemist chapter 7 . 8/13/2012
Another case? Ohhh this is great!
Pat Toby chapter 7 . 8/3/2012
the story is going great please update soon
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