Reviews for Good and Broken
elfenwindakachrno chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
i nearly couldnt bring myself to fave this great story because it made me soooo sad all over again, but damn it all, your work must be acknowledged and i really liked reading this!

keep up the good writing!
wynteralchemyst chapter 1 . 5/18/2012
Alright, so I know I've been a serious slacker lately with reviewing your stuff. So here I go, on a reviewing spree. And I thought I'd start with this one, since the next episode of Legend of Korra comes on tomorrow (yay!).

First off, this was absolutely adorable. I love Bolin, too - he's so sweet, isn't he? You were true to his character all the way through, and your explanation of his emotions and actions makes complete sense.

This was just cute, cute, cute, all the way around. :) And now I'm off to read some more!
sakura-fai chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
Awww...D'; Booliiinnn! YOUR HEART! TT I was heartbroken with Bolin when that scene happened and your fanfic is like a perfect magnifying glass inside Bolin's thoughts. The story matched the episode amazingly. :D
HopelessRomantic1818 chapter 1 . 5/11/2012
Awwww! This is adorable! I love it! I know you're basing it off the actual series, but could you write a chapter of redemption for them? I ship Makorra and Borra, but I would ADORE a make-up (or make out) scene! That'd be awesome! Good story either way!
Jesus.Lives chapter 1 . 5/11/2012
I love this so much! Awwww... but I want a happy Borra fic too! ::gives you cookies to write one::
decembered chapter 1 . 5/10/2012

this is so sad and beautifully written and just heart-wrenching and algdjd;flgj.

i'm a makorra shipper at heart, but i do love me some borra.

wonderful job with this story. :)
Jokermask18 chapter 1 . 5/10/2012
This is good stuff. I have to disagree with the other reviewer though,there's a lotta good Borra fics out there if ya look. Episode 5 has really pumped up my desire to see this pairing happen but Makorra is too strong. Oh well,one day I'll write my own Borra things and ignore MakorrA'S reality in the same vein as the Zutarians.
MysteryPeople chapter 1 . 5/10/2012
Why. Why. Why is it that every time an ACTUALLY GOOD Borra fic (which yours is, by the way, fantastic job) happens, it's SO HEARTBREAKING?

Ugh. I guess it comes with the territory. I really like the way you articulate Bolin's feelings and thoughts; it feels real and in character. (Well, as in character as anything can be only five episodes in.) I like your voice and style as well, it's natural and comfortable. It's in that sweet spot between "Too fancy/wordy" and "Too simple/blunt" that defines good fanfiction.

Maybe you'll write some happy Borra? Please? *grins sheepishly*