Reviews for Helping the Helpless
Guest chapter 10 . 8/8/2015
This book is officially on my top 3 fav fanfics of all times!
Guest chapter 10 . 9/17/2013
I loved this so much! :D 3
Lauhaa chapter 10 . 11/1/2012
i just have to say this was a really good story i love the drama and romance its amazing and i love my drama fics ;) it would be awesome if there was a sequel for the future but thats just my thoughts i thought id review at least :) x
Guest chapter 1 . 10/2/2012
Loving this so far but Finn sure is smirky.
Guest chapter 10 . 9/22/2012
I love this story!
heyitslennon chapter 10 . 8/27/2012
Second time reading. Still schmantastic. Geez you can write. Love it. Ack. :):):):)::))
ThereWillOnlyEverBeOneMe chapter 10 . 8/15/2012
So sweet! That's adorable:) So did Finn and Rachel get married? I assume so, but could you maybe add that in there?
Elena chapter 10 . 8/10/2012
THIS STORY IS SOO CUTEE! i love it! :) great writing!
J chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
Well, this was an interesting story. You kept me captivated enough that it's now 4 am here and I should've slept hours ago. So yes. It was really really good and well written, though I have some things to say.

First, something that was mentioned by some people: a wedding, or mentions of one; it's ok for me if they didn't get married though, because I'm one that doesn't like marriages (also see Brangelina, they are together but aren't married), but if they did it would've been something cool to appear in your story.

Secondly, Sam; this is something that was a little bit discontinued since in the first chapter you do mention that Finn had a friend that was homeless and that friend was Sam and then you said Rach had a friend at a music store whose name is also Sam (I assume is the same one since it's a Glee story), I thought that perhaps they would've met the same Sam in high school, even going to the same school but completely not knowing each other or something like that then they would talk about it, but this didn't happen. I am happy with his character being there for them, though.

Third: talking about pregnancy and baby stuff. Well, I'm not pregnant nor have I ever been, but from what I gather, you are able to know the baby's sex with about 13 weeks into pregnancy, depending on the position of the baby and experience of the doctor. Also I don't know if my little cousin is late but she started speaking (she is 11 months now and she doesn't really speak. I've heard her mumble 'mama' and 'papa' but that's about it) way later than little Chris here, and the same applies do standing.

4th: While I did enjoy how it started and I know it was all so intense I think it could've been nice to get things a little slower. I know the story is already written but it's just an advice (from someone that likes to read but is a terrible writer). Because I know we know Rachel and we know that we should trust her. And I know Finn felt a connection or something when he saw her. That's kind of the point of the story. But could you imagine it in the real world? I know it is a fanfiction for a reason, but in the day you meet the homeless girl you are already taking her in and such. That's why I said about getting things slower, like first they acknowledge each other, then another night make everything happen.

And just one more thing: I would've loved to see Rach at least auditioning for off-Broadway or even Broadway productions, because well, Finn has said he'd make her dream come true.

But anyways, like I said, I'm not a writer, I just appreciate people's work. And despite everything I've written here I absolutely enjoyed reading this fic because it was lovely and you had me tear-eyed so many times. I hope you keep writing because you really write well. I also hope you don't take anything I said in the wrong way.

Wishing you the best, J
seacat03 chapter 10 . 6/25/2012
I really liked this story!
coffeehelps chapter 10 . 6/20/2012
This was one of the cutest stories I've ever read! It was so adorable, I didn't know what to do with myself. I loved it. Great job!
Some boy who likes FANFIC chapter 10 . 6/8/2012
Two questions for you:

1.)did they get married cuz the whole ime I thought that it would have ended with a proposal or something. Did they get married but you just didn't say it cuz that's what I figured but, u know.

2.) also, I thought that wen babies were born they had blue eyes no matter what but they changed as the baby aged...

Great story, brought me to tears of joy sometimes!
everlover chapter 10 . 6/6/2012
Okay I am officially in love with this story... I am so sad to see it end. I just want to you to know that it is possible to know the sex of a baby around 10 weeks it is not through ultrasound though it done by a test called CVS and there is another test done around 15-18 weeks called an amniocentesis. WebMd has a great section about these tests. Also every pregnancy is different I have had three and each one was different, so just know your the creator of your story and it doesn't have to be perfect by anyone else's standards but yours. Anyway I can't wait for next story :-)
Cristy GleeyTwilight chapter 10 . 6/1/2012
OMG! I really loved this story,it's so sweet and romantic! I really was expecting Rachel to get pregnat at the end,but it was awesome. Love you,you're great and Jesse is a son of bitch. :D
GeekyGleek chapter 10 . 6/1/2012
That was cute, but did Finn and Rachel ever get married? If they did you should have incorporated their wedding or mentioned it. The story was really cute though.
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