Reviews for Best Summer Ever
Guest chapter 21 . 4/2/2013
I enjoyed this. I work at a summer camp and just-the portrayal here reminds me so much about what I have come to love about summer camp.
anji2012 chapter 21 . 2/11/2013
I loved this story! It brought back so many memories from being at camp (scoutcamps for me) and those feelings you get when you have to go back to your everyday life. :)
It was really nice to see Kurt as the confident one, the one in charge of the situation.
Shadow chapter 21 . 1/31/2013
I adored this, it was so cute I wanted to cuddle both Kurt and Blaine and never let go. I also really liked how a combination of Kurt and Camp got Blaine to open up. However, I now find myself missing my own "best place on Earth", aka dearly beloved camp. You managed to capture how special camp is, in that it's an escape, and how relationships of all kinds happen at different speeds. Perfect.
lucy641 chapter 21 . 1/21/2013
I love how confident, self assured and popular Kurt was at camp. In a way I was hoping Burt would move him to dalton for his senior year to escape the horrible bullying. Blaine really blossomed under kurt s care. Really enjoyed this story. Congratulations on your first fic. I will look out for more.
KlainePotter chapter 21 . 1/20/2013
I loved this story! It really made me feel like I was at camp. I've never been to camp so this was a great experience. Thank you for this awesome story! :)
Rori Potter chapter 21 . 1/18/2013
Amazing story!
bettybox chapter 1 . 1/18/2013
Nightingale63 chapter 21 . 1/18/2013
Lovely! Their relationship survived the transition from camp life to real life (a good sign), and Kurt got to see Blaine in the blazer (always a plus).
I like it that Kurt's considering fashion (a better choice than NYADA for him, really).
Their flirty banter is delicious. And now, Blaine is poised to become the Blaine Warbler we know - yay! Love the ending, Blaine (known for being puppylike) following Kurt home. Adorable.
Great job with a really well done story. Take a bow, dear author!
XxRachelAnnexX chapter 21 . 1/18/2013
Will you make a sequal to this please?
PenMagic chapter 21 . 1/17/2013
Well, I think I wrote the long emotional review for the last chapter but this was such a perfect ending to the story. Once again, you did not fail to deliver and it fitted perfectly with what had been going on and with the characters. I have really loved the switching around of roles for Kurt and Blaine as usually I find it a little more difficult to read them but this was perfect. Congratulations on completing your first story, I know exactly the satisfaction you must be feeling to finally press complete.
Well done and keep going with your writing, you are really talented!
Nightingale63 chapter 20 . 1/14/2013
Lovely! I like the canon bit, about not saying goodbye, and you capture all that leaving of camp bittersweet feeling so well.
Nightingale63 chapter 17 . 1/14/2013
Love the line about how Kurt's tan is everyone else's pale (that's me!). Good chapter; glad that telling Mike and Sam wasn't a problem.
Nightingale63 chapter 16 . 1/14/2013
Loved Kurt's bitchy comeback ... which, oops! was apparently unwarranted. Snap.
Really good chapter; love Blaine's mom!
PenMagic chapter 20 . 1/14/2013
okay, now I'm just going to go, curl up in my sock drawer and attempt to revise for my exam tomorrow but end up with tear stains all over the work. That was absolutely beautiful I absolutely loved it, PLEASE do a sequel! What were the songs? I would love to look them up to see what they sound like! This story has been such an amazing story as I have always wanted to go on an American summer camp but being British has its disadvantages! It has made me cry, smile and laugh and feel so many different emotions and I look forward ot reading even more of your work because I wish this story hadn't ended. I wish you all the best in the future with all your writing and I cannot wait to read more!
PenMagic chapter 19 . 12/30/2012
this was brilliant! I was unsure at first what the Colour War would entail but it sounds like an awesome idea! Is that something you've experienced/organised or is it original? If the latter then that is extremely impressive!
Great chapter, I love all the fluffy Klaine moments and all the action in between!
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