Reviews for The Kazuya Story: Tekken 2
xFlipJamsx chapter 14 . 5/18/2014
please update the story
moneygreen932 chapter 14 . 3/13/2014
so here we are at the tournament... Well i'm so glad i stumbled upon this series it's actually my first tekken fanfictions i read (this and the first story) and it is truly well done the characters are in character and when their not their changes are believable and not just random or poorly done... the dialogue is good and very interesting and everything is easy to visualize... I must say this is one of the better fanfictions i've read here and it's about my favorite fighting game and about my favorite character are all added bonuses...

Thank you very much for making this story and making it sooo great hopefully you continue it soon.. you've gained a loyal follower in me and i can't wait to see what you do with Kazuya in the future.. until then I'll be waiting as patiently as i can for your next chapter. take care
moneygreen932 chapter 13 . 3/13/2014
it's nice to see Aiko/Becky back hopefully this isn't the last of her though it might be hard to bring her in after this tournament Kazuya pretty much becomes a lab rat once again hell bent on revenge against Heihachi and also getting his other half back from that son of his... wonder what changes you'll make to that too but it was great seeing Becky again.. she's a really likeable OC that you sort of feel a connection too as a reader and she's not the average Mary Sue or the annoying OC that the author inserts to take over the story but she's a great character IMO hopefully she'll be back someday and also great job in showing Jun's confidence and fearless determination in this chapter.. and her willingness to not give up on Kazuya that was refreshing to see
moneygreen932 chapter 12 . 3/12/2014
man this is a heavy chapter emotionally... reunited with Becky then with Benjamin and their adopted sister is obsessed with him as well and then he gets a confession from Becky (well actually she did sorta confess when they were kids but that was then) which is good and i hope they interact more (positively) in the future maybe after he is revived from the volcano thing... or maybe when he takes over G Corp ( if you continue the story that far and i hope you do... but last but not least he finds out he impregnated Jun.. wow what a tough time for Kazuya and on top of that devil still lurks in the shadows.. tough but interesting times ahead indeed
2 Lucky chapter 14 . 10/10/2013
This is a good story, if ever I've read one. I especially like your style. Hurry up with the next one. lol
deskdest chapter 14 . 4/17/2013
Wow, wow, wow! It's been a while!

This chapter was great! I adored the part about Anna mostly because I kinda like that KazAnna pairing. The thought of him being even slightly attracted to her just makes me giggle for some reason.

I also love how you described some of the reasons that people joined.
It was really interesting to read (Michelle's most of all -Kazuya is such an ass hat for that!)

I really hope you update this soon.
Prince Gray chapter 14 . 3/27/2013
I have spent the enitre past weekend reading this story and the first kazuya story and I would have left dozens of reviews but I couldn't log in on my phone. You have an excellent series going, everybody stays IC and everything. I am interested to see Kazuya's POV on Jin when the time comes in the future. I'm also anticipating how you will write the way Kazuya spent his time at G Corp between Tekken 2 and 3 and before 4. His reaction after he got beat up by Jin in Honmaru. (assuming there's enough of him left by then). Until that day comes, I'll simply the time spent in Tekken 2.

I hope to see an update from you very soon.
KingHollow666 chapter 14 . 3/12/2013
I am glad to know ur going to finish this amazing story. Im realy looking foward to the rest of ur stories.
Sokka2Me chapter 14 . 3/12/2013
You're alive! Thanks for getting back to us. Take your time. As I say, quality is what counts. And knowing how Tekken 2 ends, I want you at your best, cuz i know that's what you'll give
xFlipJamsx chapter 13 . 3/9/2013
Please continue the story
Sokka2Me chapter 13 . 10/7/2012
Oh boy. I have feeling we won't be seeing Kazuya, well, REAL Kazuya for a while. In the game he was really dark. Awesome fic! I think I had to pace myself to enjoy it. Yes my pename is a reference to Avatar. I saw a movie where this girl was yelling "Sock it to me!" And I thought "Hmmm" thus my name was born. Even though he was a minor character, I liked Taro. Sometimes the little guys make something great. Can't wait for more.

P.S. I always loved Benjamin and "Aiko". Will she ever say why she changed the name?
DemiGoddess007 chapter 13 . 10/6/2012
This story is beyond amazing. I read all 13 chapters and I'm absolutely excited to see what has happened to our belovd Kazuya. I've been reading various fanfictions involving Kazuya and how he would act if he was to be "normal", regarding not having the Devil gene or having full control over it. I like seing Kazuya's soft side. It makes me feel al warm and fuzzy inside. :3 This is just inspiring me for my own fic. Keep it up! And I hope Kazuya ends up with Aiko instead of Jun. I'm personally tired of seeing him paired
completely with Jun. There are no OC/Kazuya fics and this is the first I've read so far! Great job! :D Faved and followed!
deskdest chapter 12 . 9/28/2012
Well shit... That was kind of mean. Why was Kazuya being so rude to her before she gave the news? It was like he was agitated just because she called! Then she tells him she's going to have his baby and he does THAT? He definitely lost some cool points.

Please update! I really can't wait to read what happens next.
deskdest chapter 11 . 9/28/2012
This chapter was really funny!

I love the way you translated Kazuya's love for tennis shoes here.

Also, my insides are burning from laughter from this chapter!

The part about the bi-polar woman was too funny.

What I like about that part was that it didn't seem like it was written for comedy, but it still managed to make me laugh even after I finished the chapter!

Your writing is really awesome.

Part of me doesn't even want to read the next chapter, because it's the last one...

*reads it anyway* :-/
deskdest chapter 2 . 9/27/2012
So... even though it's totally weird...I think I really like "Amiable Kazuya." I feel a little bad though. What could he have possibly realized for his personality to do a complete 180 like that...
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