Reviews for Hetalia Truth or Dare: Yaoi Yes!
MunKustaOnMusta chapter 7 . 9/12/2017
It is I, Mun Kusta On Musta, and I have been summoned to leave a dare.
I dare you to summon "Norrland" and make him get down and dirty with Germany.
Thank you.
Your friendly local neighbourhood perverted non-consensual-sex-having(rapist) individual.
Fairy Tail 2003 chapter 7 . 10/10/2016
Okay, here goes nothing I guess.
Dare:Germany and Italy to make out for at least 30 seconds and Annie and Emily are allowed to take pictures if they want.
Dare: This isn't much of a dare but I love tormenting Canada (he is too adorable) everyone is allowed to do whatever they want with him.
Dare: America! F*ck the sh*t out of England (you 2 are my OTP) and if you all refuse, well let's just say I will grab my hammer from hell and send you into oblivion. *death glare* you understand me?
Guest chapter 2 . 8/27/2016
I just want to know why is Annie/Chio so mean? Sorry if offense is taken. Did not mean to.
Rome Modern chapter 7 . 6/9/2016
Ooh! Hi! I Really 1. Want a Hug from Emily ;-;! 2. I Want Italy to say I Will Not Neglect my Roman Daughter ;3. I Am the City of Rome ;3
1. I Want Romano to give Germany a Blowjob, and Spain to Pound Romano's Butt at the same time!
2. Tell the Russian creep I Dare Him to Fuck Brazil! (If you can get Brazil)
3. Kidnap Scaleswind and Me and Make us do Crazy things!
I'ma cat btches chapter 7 . 5/30/2016
Can we get Poland in here... Like maybe force him to run around naked or something while screaming "PONY's ARE MY FRIENDS"
And can Sweden and Finland make out, of and make Denmark and Norway do something nasty... Mwwwwwahahahahahahaha. Thanks
AkabaneYuuta chapter 7 . 11/26/2015
Neh I dare to hug Annie _ and make Germany wear dog ears ONLY while Italy wears Cat ears... and make the two of them make out... And also I will give Emily the permission to hurt Annie with the hammer without killing him... Have fun of hitting Annie,Emily!
Yoitaliar369 chapter 7 . 10/24/2015
Hey I luv it, plus natural born fan girl is ready

I got a dear and truth

Dare: England has to wear a too short France maid outfit for the rest of the chapter plus call Italy master
Italy you and England have a make out session and if it goes farther I love that.
Have Guinevere in here please. If you don't know how she looks it's like England but with way too big breast for it to be legal

England how many countries have you slept with ND bottomed, please include a couple of names.
Did you guys know England has a twin little sister with massive boobs bigger than Ukraine she's super nice and can cook, name Guinevere Kirkland
On and can I borrow mister hammer there's an American I need to settle some business with.

That is all love ha bye 3
Guest chapter 5 . 10/14/2015
NOOO my china is dead... i wanna see him make out and show that scar
Maddiecore.12 chapter 7 . 10/10/2015
Hey Annie!
Hey Emily!
Love the show and how obedent your slaves are *cough cough* I mean how good everyone is at the dares.
My dare is for Romano and Italy. I want them to pull on each others curls and I want to see which on them comes first.
Also, really really wierd request, but can I get a hug from Finland if possible? None of the nortic five have been mentioned and I think Finland is just adorable.
Ok bye guys and keep them slaves in check *cough cough* I mean keep up the good work!
BeautyIsPain666 chapter 7 . 9/17/2015
That was funny as hell. Poor Canada though... ANHWHORE! I dare Russia to sing the "I'm a Barbie girl" theme song while wearing a purple tutu and dancing with Prussia as Prussia is in a bright red dress and black heels. *smirks evily* oh and I want a hug from Englad and America!
Guest chapter 5 . 9/17/2015
(Btw this is a dare)
Make out for at least 2 minutes without stopping
If Romano refuses, he has to kiss Germany
Guest chapter 7 . 7/22/2015
I dare emily to come up with ten dares for the hetalia cast and if the counties refuse they will get cut down with mr. Chainsaw
Guest chapter 7 . 7/19/2015
Hurry up
Guest chapter 7 . 7/19/2015
I dare emily to torture Annie/chino while naked and emily becomes the host for the next two rounds
Guest chapter 7 . 7/18/2015
I dare the hetalia character that emily like the most to rape her and emily can't hit me with anything
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