Reviews for The Crux of the Matter
Guest chapter 16 . 7/27/2019
By the way, I have noticed that the name of the leader of the Thalassic Clan, when interpreted as Romanized Bengali, loosely translates to 'Infinite Realms'. Is it a mere coincidence or intentional?
Guest chapter 26 . 3/26/2017
GRAHHHHHH! I really hate Bright Eyes. He just needs to GOOOOO! Dx
On the OTHER HAND, though, this story is really good. Definitely one of my favorites. I hope this will be completed eventually. It would be a sad thing for a story to be abandoned when it seems to be very close to completion. :]
Nuadize chapter 26 . 3/17/2015
What? You can't just leave this story like that!
It is absolutely amazing, it took me less than a day to read and I want to know what happens next
fairyMei33 chapter 4 . 3/11/2015
but I do have a question. The way you portray the Guys in White and also half as and their protective laws make me think that there are other laws about them. Obviously, registering halfas is routine and by being registered halfas are given some protection from violence perpetrated by the GIW. Example that the GIW can get samples from Maddie but not arrest her and experiment on her. This implies that one of the duties of the GIW is to passively moniter halfas and even help educate them. Following this logically, shouldn't the GIW have tried to talk to Phantom as soon as they even slightly thought he might be a half a? As the GIW seem to enjoy threatening Phantom with "Experiments. Lots of Really really painful experiments" this implies that they have been ignoring their own rules and duties hoping to get the chance to play Mengele. And deliberately shooting Phantom, knowing he's a halfa that they've never bothered to register or educate, would mean that they are deliberately breaking the halfa protection laws.
So my question is this: Why hasn't any of the Fenton's threatened legal action against the GIW or at least against the Agents who have deliberately neglected their duty so as to repeatedly injure someone who is technically their responsibility to educate (at least to the fact that he needs to be registered)?
Please do not take this as a criticism. I have read more of your story than this chapter and understand that plotwise it would throw a wrench in the engine for them to have done so. I'm just curious as to why. I'll totally take a 'Magic author handwaving' for the reason. Id just like to know if there was a reason that I'm not figuring out...
Again, *I love your story* and can't wait for the sequel! And poor Val... I know you say she wasn't, but I'm sticking my head in the sand and still hoping she comes back as a ghost!
fairyMei33 chapter 26 . 3/10/2015
New reader here, I can totally see why you keep getting us! This story is amazing and I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Blitza chapter 26 . 12/18/2014
Uh oh! Vlad's out!
Gamekatt101 chapter 11 . 5/20/2014
Okay, first off, this story is AMAZING! Seriously, why did you stop updating? ;_; With all of the cool characters, unexpected twists and turns, and the way that the plot just keeps on chugging ahead at full throttle, I thought for sure that it would end on an explosively grand finale, but no, no it doesn't. :(

Just so that this doesn't end on a depressing note, I've gotta say that I'm loving the companion creatures idea. Danny decorating his own Lair was pretty cool too.

Oh, and if anyone is reading this review, and debating if they really want to read a story that's not finished, please do.
If Crux had been completed, then I'm certain that it could have rivaled Phantom of Truth in popularity, if not that, then at least in angst and world building.
Trust me on this.
TheOperaticSquirrel chapter 26 . 4/23/2014
Wow. I just found this story and it's amazing. Will Kailani (Did I spell that right?) be coming back? I really like her character. Is she from Maximum Ride? Either way I would love to see a little more about her past of being experimented on. And I'm loving Star in this story.
DoodlingPlume chapter 26 . 2/17/2014
There are many plot devices that are left unresolved... I'd love to see them continued. I hope you will update soon. The apprenticeship to Death, the coronation as the future king of the Ghost Zone, and the issue with Bright Eyes... They are really entertaining and original.

I hope you will update soon.

la lune chapter 26 . 2/17/2014
this is just AWESOME! I just love the original storyline! and danny! and all the halfas!

please update soon!
Raven Iris chapter 26 . 2/4/2014
Wow, I love this story so I hope you update it soon, and I hope that you keep updating your other stories as well because I really like them.
Guest chapter 26 . 11/16/2013
Just found this fic yesterday, and have really loved your writing style and your world building.
theyoungphoenix chapter 26 . 11/14/2013
The story goes on an on! Bright Eyes doesn't give up, does he? I hope you update soon! Please continue this story! I really like it! Don't let it fall into the pit of unfinished fics!
lilly willow chapter 19 . 11/7/2013
Sebastian (Sebas-chan) kind of reminds me of Hakuryu from Saiyuki.
lilly willow chapter 18 . 11/7/2013
As soon as Maddie was talking about lairs and pets I immediately thought of Diagon Alley. You and your dragons. By the way, I think "arvo" is an Australian term.
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