Reviews for Walk Away
hilltyneshia chapter 55 . 5/30
I love the story. I laughed, cried, worried, smiled, etc. I'm glad to see they had an happy ending. Your a wonderful writer.
SelenityCosmos chapter 30 . 4/28
God, Fitz can be such a bastard when he’s hurt! I understand that he’s mad and that the fact that he’s Fitz means that he’s gonna lash out at everyone but the kids, but it’s not my favorite of his character traits. The the presidential parentals have some seriously undesirable behaviors- thank goodness for friends and family!
SelenityCosmos chapter 28 . 4/28
I love the complexity of all your characters and the storyline you’ve built! Karen was amazing and Jerry was the perfect example of telling children difficult stuff! I love that Karen took everything in and, like her mother, assumed the grey nature of everyone’s positions. And Jerry acted just like his dad, flying off the handle with a whirlwind of emotions but, after finally listening, his love for the people involved wine and he was impossibly sweet! I LOVE your writing!
SelenityCosmos chapter 26 . 4/28
I feel like, while Fitz’s anger is totally acceptable, Mellie, Olivia, and Fitz all have really good points and arguments. This seems like one of those situations where there is NO right answer. Yes, Fitz should have been told, but at the same time, Olivia was right that Fitz would never be able to control himself and Mellie was right that it wasn’t her place to tell. What a mess they have made for themselves. Could’ve, should’ve, would’ve.
SelenityCosmos chapter 12 . 4/27
I just wanted to thank you for having Mellie and Olivia on the same team! They both have their faults, but I honestly love both of them most of the time. In later seasons and in most fanfic, Mellie gets vilified- which is frustrating because she has so much potential as a character. So, again, thank you for taking making Mellie and Olivia a team!
Fancygirl68 chapter 55 . 4/27
I could not stop reading this story...So many ups and downs and with a great ending...Loved it...
Guest chapter 54 . 4/27
Great story! Very very good! Loved to read it!
ISSisterFans chapter 55 . 1/9
You should write another chapter. It can be short or long but it should have where josslyn wrote a book about her parents and her family after her parents died along with her story in it. She should be on an interview explaining why she wrote it.
HandSewn chapter 55 . 9/27/2019
Just one week ago this story popped up on my fan-fiction page and I had never heard of it. I thought to myself and said, "what's this?" Started to read the first few chapters and was hooked. OMG! How did I miss this story! I was in love! I could not stop reading and then came the split up. I was done, I was hurt but I pushed through and again could not stop reading. Olivia married someone else! NOOOOO! Turned out for me, to be the best thing for Olivia. At first I was not sure but I pushed through and yep, it did her good even though she broke Mel's heart, she had to stand in her truth. She has been and will always love Fitz. It's in her DNA. I read this story non-stop until I finished it. It was beautiful! I just loved it! Again I don't see how I missed it all those years ago. The tale of Joss was beautiful and her best friend Cam was exceptional. I have read so many stories of Fitz and Olivia and this is one of the best. Cakes you are the best at this, do not stop! I am reading your other story and am just in awe of them all! Thank you! I have found another great author and am hooked on reading everything you are writing. Thank you so much! I love your point of story telling and will continue to read every last one of them. You are one of the best fan-fiction writers of Olitz!
Guest chapter 55 . 8/13/2018
Still reading in 2018. . . So many layers. They feel real to me. How are they? :-) Thank you for writing such a beautiful story. Especially chapter 34/35 has thought me a lot. Never stop writing. Greetz from The Netherlands.
err308 chapter 55 . 6/7/2018
Beautiful! Thankyou.
Millie chapter 37 . 5/11/2018
Olivia is so heartless. I dont understand . This is not an Olitz story. The is no Olitz. This is very canon. Im sad and disappointed. Olovia always putting Fitz last. Being with other men. Really. I love the writing but the content has so many shades of shonda. Devastated.
Millie chapter 33 . 5/11/2018
I'm a few years but just want to say right now I'm tired of Olivia. Fitz is right she says she loves him but doesnt act it. She's not feeling remorse abiut what she did...she's just afraid of losinf her baby. Why can she nit admit to having made the wrong decision. She is nit always right...i see more foolishness coming from her. Hope I can hold out til the end
Tstormva chapter 12 . 1/25/2018
I can't believe her team knows (now because of the tape) and Mellie knows. What is Olivia thinking. She has to tell him at this point.
scandalousalexis chapter 55 . 12/12/2017
Omg! Such a great story! I read all 55 chapters within a week and a half! Addicted. At first I wasn’t happy about Liv getting married, but in the grand scheme of things, I think she had to go through that & experience the same thing as Fitz did. I might re-read just to get back to those baby joss times!
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