Reviews for Question!
Amerstaru chapter 1 . 8/25/2012
I'm gonna post up a second part to this story actually lol.
I happened to come up with a very comical way to settle the dispute on who is better though my heart still goes out to both chars. I hope you guys will read it once I get the chance to type it up (I'm currently working on a massive cross-over with .Hack, Shadow of the Colossus, Fairy Tale, and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
AtoliGreenBird chapter 1 . 6/17/2012
Now...Let's see...Who will be the winner :-D! Let's play .hack/Versus XD

I ever draw about Haseo VS can see it if you art/Bed-TIME-215870362
Junichi chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
Haha, good to see a LINK fic :D almost noone is playing this game :

I think the whole fight isn't about any of the chars being better, but about fans liking either Kite or Haseo more. Maybe /Versus will settle this (if CC2 finaly confirms Kite as playable) :

Anyway, your fic could have been a little bit more descriptive as the topic allows a lot more exploration Adding specific character's points of view would be a nice bonus too.

Keep it up, spread the .hack love :)