Reviews for Warbirds
mo chapter 21 . 9/23/2007
This story is absolutely amazing. It's one of the few I will read again and again. It's been so long since it was updated that I fear it's long forgotten, but I would LOVE to see some sort of epilogue.
mmkfire chapter 21 . 4/2/2007
did hawk die? what about lady jay do she escape?

waht about flint, lifeline, snake-eyes do them recover from the nerv gas?

what about Capatin America and low light?

or is this the end of the storie, if it is it is one heck of cliffhanger! pleas let me know

Anon chapter 21 . 2/9/2007
It's been so long that I don't think this story will ever be finished, but I wanted the author to know how much I enjoyed it and haven't forgotten about over the years. It's a great piece of work.
Warbirds fan chapter 21 . 3/29/2005
Where's the rest of it? I've waited patiently (yet anxiously) for over a year for the next chapters. This is one of my absolute favorite stories. I've been suffering Warbirds withdrawals and seriously need another fix. Please continue this. (
TouchedByDarkness chapter 21 . 8/25/2004
At first I was a little concerned that he crossover wouldn't work, considering the differing power levels of the regular Marvel universe and the Joe one. However, the story was well told and the blending seamless.

Only two complaints. Maybe I missed it, but why was the ceiling falling down in the dining area? The second complaint is the simple fact that it is not finished.

Looking forward to seeing the rest.

JoeFan4Life chapter 21 . 2/21/2004
NO! (slow motion dramatic "No!" as I lift my arms to the sky) Are they all really dead? How can the Joes recover? What happens now? I've been with this story for a long time, and it continues to suprise and leave me in awe. Can't wait for more.
Ronnie B chapter 21 . 2/12/2004
Wow! Talk about your cliffhanger endings...
Keep up the good work, soldier!
Alison chapter 21 . 2/10/2004
Very, very good. Yet very, very sad. Please finish this soon.
Shelly Red chapter 11 . 2/9/2004
So far you have my interest. I love the mention of Wright-Patterson AFB! :) Keep up the good writing. I still have many chapters to read.
GI Jaye chapter 21 . 2/9/2004
OMG- That was awesome. I can't wait for more!
ZafiraMente chapter 21 . 2/9/2004
Wow! What an incredible chapter. Just amazing.
Raliena chapter 21 . 2/9/2004
Next time warn me, when you're about to kill off a character,
I'm in tears here!
Cover Girl chapter 21 . 2/8/2004
WOW-that was powerful. Fantastic imagery as always...
Slayne22 chapter 21 . 2/8/2004
oh... my... GOD! I could NOT stop reading this chapter! I'm not gonna go on and on about what a great writer you are because I think you know my opinion on that by now, but good lord! The action, the loyalty, the angst... it was like an entire movie in this one chapter. Is Hawk really gone? *snif* But the truth of it for me is... death makes a good story, and if this IS Hawk's end in this story... he went out in a way that befitted him. He went out as a legend. If there is one thing I respect more than anything in writing, it's a writer who has the balls to write unpopular plotlines. Outstanding, Moon. And now I'll leave space for other people to give their .02 too. :)
NikiJ chapter 20 . 1/16/2004
Well worth VERY well worth the wait, Moon. Looking forward to more as always. :)
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