Reviews for Ride The Lightning
stevem1 chapter 17 . 7/20
This AU is closing tied to canon except for Harry getting Hermione pregnant after Ron left them in the forest. It’s very well done and in some ways more satisfying than canon.

Recommended. Be warned there are some very mature scenes.
Dodo124 chapter 1 . 6/16
I love it! Love the smut. So sweet
lastgodofwar chapter 3 . 6/10
Huge problem i just read with the story. Hermione the smart and sensible is allowing herself to WEAR a cursed object while pregnant. FUCK STUPID.
wujuninja chapter 17 . 6/9
so fluffyI
PollyanaAmoroso chapter 17 . 4/15
Why in the newspaper is written "It's a BOY"? (I love the history, congratulations!)
Loli chapter 17 . 4/8
I absolutely fell in love with this story ️ .

I suffer from writer's block as well , it's so amazing for me to know that somebody else with writer's block can write something so outstanding !
Lordlexx chapter 5 . 4/5
I always found it off that the dilluminator could be used to find them again. The thing is basically a tracking charm of some sort. Kinda like Dumbledore knew Ron would run.
PaleandBroodingsGirl chapter 17 . 11/22/2019
Well, I’m a sucker for the pregnancy trope, so I had to read this! Nice job! Love Harmony! Incorporating DM was interesting! Liked the pairing of RW/LL and GW/NL, too!
Coreyj12345 chapter 17 . 11/19/2019
Your story was awesome you shuld write another one may be the wedding or when arianna gos to Hogwarts
BillBrink chapter 17 . 10/19/2019
That's a big "YES"! I certainly enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing this work with us.
Kushka chapter 17 . 10/16/2019
Cute story
Dementor149 chapter 1 . 9/14/2019
I scanned this about four years ago and then forgot about it. I just finished really reading and I'd like to thank you for this story. It was easy reading and logically presented. I enjoyed your character development and liked that Ron and Harry stayed friends. I felt a bit sorry for Ginny, it must have been hard for her to see Hermione pregnant with Harry's baby even though he had broken up with her. I thought Molly would be better than that, after all Ron did desert them during the hunt and it was none of her business anyway.

The only thing I disagreed with was that Voldemort split his soul into seven pieces, not seven horcruxes. Six horcruxes, and one piece in his own body. Harry was an accidental horcrux.

One question, what inspired you to write this? I looked at your page and you seem to prefer Dramione. One of my least favorite ships, could you share what your like about it so much?

Best of wishes for your writing endeavors - Dementor149.
Guest chapter 10 . 9/1/2019
Well i am further down this fanfic in the meantime, seriously? i don't get your writing..
Maybe the weasleys would think the baby's ron maybe.. but let everybody think that come one.. even then there not even freaking together.
Waterching chapter 5 . 7/31/2019
great book interesting plot,
Guest chapter 17 . 7/27/2019
Good good
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