Reviews for Not Without You
jenejes chapter 15 . 7/23
whoa. That was powerful. Thank you for writing and sharing.
magmom4 chapter 15 . 5/26/2017
So sad but I knew what he was going to do as soon as she died.
magmom4 chapter 8 . 5/26/2017
Starting to get the story now.
JD Thorn chapter 15 . 12/4/2015
Wow! Ouch!
TinaF chapter 15 . 11/25/2014
Sad but a good story anyway.
debslmac chapter 15 . 6/13/2014
so sad ...
Siriusmunchkin chapter 15 . 5/8/2014
That was very, very well done. Very well written. I suspected the outcome when she died. Life is never fair and sometimes you just can't let things go.
Siriusmunchkin chapter 5 . 5/8/2014
Makes me think of 9/11.
fanfictionalcolic chapter 15 . 1/5/2014
It is a wonderful story, full of pain, tears, anger but such is life . The way it is written make it a beautiful story, we are in edward's heart during this drama, we feel his pain, his desire for revenge.
meelee72 chapter 15 . 12/16/2013
Holy mufuggin sh*t, woman, that tore me to pieces.
Ugh, so sad. :( Pitiful.
... But, great writing, as always. - U know how to make us FeeL.
irishnlove2shop chapter 15 . 3/11/2013
Wow, that was hard to get through, but amazing nonetheless.
Lulabell75 chapter 15 . 11/12/2012
Wow! I'm a HEA lover, but a story that can make me feel that much is just...Wow.

Balai chapter 15 . 10/29/2012
So sad. At least he followed her
Lenerol chapter 15 . 9/26/2012
Tu es une des rares auteurs à avoir osé mettre fin à la vie de Bella et d'Edward. Tu as raison, la vie n'est pas toujours une succession de fins heureuses mais à quoi a servi le geste d'Edward ? Mis à part faire souffrir d'autres personnes innocentes. Cela n'a pas calmé sa douleur et de plus il s'enlève la vie. C'était une histoire très difficile mais tu l'as fait.
Merci d'avoir eu le courage de la publier.
A tout bientôt
Sunny Hanson chapter 15 . 7/19/2012
Whoa...did not see that last chapter coming!
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