Reviews for Again and Again
WorldTravelGirl chapter 44 . 7/21
I recently found this story and completely hooked! I love where you are going with this and can't wait to see what happens next. I really hope you are able to update this story in the future. It is really well written and thought out. Great job!
lalalamb chapter 42 . 7/11
who the fuck dare attack Harry let me at him. Marvolo better do something xD
been awhile since I read this, better reread it later, hopefully you update soon pretty please
Guest chapter 44 . 7/11
this fic is EVERYTHING i have ever asked for and more. i adore it.
Coolfire30 chapter 19 . 7/8
The rate at which I read his letter!Oh dear Lord! I half assumed that rapping should be one of my future career pathways!

ahhh... astounding this is! Truly...
Coolfire30 chapter 14 . 7/8
Oh dear Lords... Politics is such a shiver inducing topic! I LOVE IT!
Coolfire30 chapter 6 . 7/7
So I'm back... after only a months right so...right?

and... my body has been screaming at me to sleep
ixSorA chapter 4 . 7/6
I'm starting to think author is a fan of avengers tbh
Eragon135790 chapter 38 . 7/4
great ff so far but had you to include hermione i never really liked her.
imlovinfanfic chapter 44 . 6/28
I really love this story. I hope you will update soon. Thanks
Ilandriel chapter 44 . 6/27
I've read this story more than a dozen times. It's one of my absolute favorites. I understand lacking inspiration or motivation, or just being bamboozled by life, but I hope you are able to continue this someday. I'll keep checking back, crossing my fingers. No matter the future of this story, I'm incredibly grateful you created and shared it with us. 3
Jobocks chapter 44 . 6/26
Noooooooooo! D:
StoriesMakeLife chapter 44 . 6/25
Your continuationbof the story is amazing. All of it. Marvoo realising that sharing secrets will tie Harry to this life. Harry realising that if he wants this life to he the last and to count, he better be more open. Even his tentative truce with Dumbledore, whom I franky hate about as much as Harry did in the chapter when he revealed Dumb's past mistakes to Marvolo via linkes journals.

Too bad this story seems abandoned again :(
bellapom chapter 44 . 6/23
Really wish you'd continue with the story!
Guest chapter 44 . 6/19
But this last chapter can also be the ending if dumbledore's like the last obstacle for uniting wizarding Britain.
Right. It's best to think of this like that.
Guest chapter 44 . 6/19
Too bad this is abandoned.
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