Reviews for It Must Have Been Love
Ana isela Hdz chapter 4 . 3/9/2018
Me encantó éste capítulo por la intensidad de amor que ellos se profesaban. La forma que lo interpretas es magnífico.
Ana isela Hdz chapter 1 . 3/9/2018
Me encanta Tu punto de vista ... Ojalá q la escritora original nos hubiera regalado más detalle de como descubrieron sus sentimientos y como llegaron a declararse, su primer beso en fin... gracias por compartir.
Luf5 chapter 5 . 2/6/2018
Omg... this was so beautiful. I wantes to review eacg chapter but I couldn’t stop reading until the end. I really like how you constructed a timeline of the events in the novel and manga. I think it all fits perfectly. Cany and Albert were exactly the way I imagine them. The ending was perfect. I’ve always thought that if they had a son they would name him Anthony. Thank you for sharing with us.

ana chapter 5 . 2/25/2017
I liked this very sweet romantic love story between soulmates. Thanks for your efforts.
fay71 chapter 1 . 2/7/2017
I believe that if Candy had been created by a Western writer, no matter from where, but definitely not Japan, we would have the opportunity to read the story just like you describe it. We know what Mizuki intended to do with her heroine, who was the man she finally ended up with, but we can only imagine what her life with him would be like after the end of the manga, for the simple reason that another writer besides Mizuki would have given readers much more than that. Maybe we would have the pleasure of seeing Albert and Candy's romance flourish and develop more than we were allowed to see through their correspondence (which is indeed a masterpiece and a treasure of information we never knew before), and also to understand more their thoughts and feelings about each other, about what they had shared all these years from their first meeting. The manga is a wonderful story, and I suppose the novel is even better, as it may give more details of the characters and the plot, but knowing how Muzuki writes, I think many of us were not fully satisfied with the way she describes her story, and maybe that's the reason why so many fan fictions have been written to make up for this defect, to complete what's missing. This story gives so much Mizuki could have written and didn't. There is so much detail and focus on the thoughts and feelings of Candy, since she is the narrator, and those things we can only imagine while reading the manga. Your story remains faithful and very close to the original and your narrative adds wonderfully to the gaps left by Mizuki. Great work.
noukinav018 chapter 5 . 9/20/2015
Absolutely fantastic, I was not satisfied with the anime being so vague on their relationship. I agree heartily, this relationship was inevitable and meant to be that way. I truly enjoyed myself. I see you also have stories in Spanish and one in French. Oh goodie!
Please do keep writing!
fseventh chapter 1 . 3/19/2015
Gosh, what a wonderful start. I still remember what happened in the manga. But you pick up all the small details and enhance it into a very well done description.
Lizvet Ardlay-Kuran chapter 5 . 9/14/2014
Love it! Such a great history... Ms. Puddle thank you for make dream with the Prince of Hill.
kellyelin chapter 5 . 8/23/2014
This is the first ever candy fanfiction story I read. It was so good that it made me reading others as well. The story was pretty much in line with the manga. It's good for frustrated readers who want to know what happened next after Candy found out the Prince of the Hill's identity. Story line is great with excellent drama as well.
Grace chapter 1 . 7/24/2014
Excellent. Very well written. Mostly is what I thought too, other than some minor details. When I read the comics, I was so frustrated too by the open ending. And I think the last few pages was too quick and left too many details. This is it. What you wrote here is mostly what I think too... Thanks for such a great web site. It really fends off a lot of my frustration. Albert and Candy, to me, are the key characters. How could they just leave it open like that at the end. Since the beginning the story is about Candy's looking for the boy. Finally they met, and that's it? There has to be a wedding! Thank you.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/17/2014
You are such a great author please write more!
Antlay chapter 5 . 5/12/2014
Félicitations j'aime beaucoup votre histoire. La fin que j'espérais, Candy et Albert réunis pour toujours.
Votre fiction "l'amour n'échoue jamais" j'adore également, j'attends la suite avec impatience. Continuez à écrire vous nous faites rêver ! Vous avez vraiment beaucoup de talent.
Ms Puddle chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
Gracias por leer! Versión española en mspuddleshaven . com :D
Guest chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
Entrar. En la lectura , es entrar en un paisaje de las emociones, con esa sensación de altibajos que seguramente Candy experimento. Hice la prueba escuchando el tema dela canción. Es un retrato de la soledad que vivió Candy! Y vaya que es el momento par descubrir sus propios sentimientos. ... Debo decirle que lo,volveré a leer. Y espero muy pronto se encuentre traducido al español.
Ms Puddle chapter 5 . 12/11/2013
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone! If you want, the Spanish version is up on my blog. You can find the address on my profile page. :-)

Thank you pauline lia for your review, and I'm glad you like this story and my other story "Love Never Fails". Thank you for your patience, and I do admit that it's a long story (but there are some fanfics that are even longer). :P Your English is actually good because I don't have any problem understanding you, so I'd like to hear from you more. ;) Have a good day!
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