Reviews for Fire in the Snow
Loving-Chakra chapter 1 . 8/11/2013
Aww! So sweet
Darkladykikyo chapter 1 . 7/4/2013
Hehe. Our little Templar has grown up...

I love it! Short and sweet. :D
PK-chan12 chapter 1 . 6/3/2013
Wonderfully written! Poor shelf, all it wanted was some loving xD
Wingsister chapter 1 . 10/26/2012
I've been looking for a story like this one! Excellent work and thanks for sharing.
Akamery chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
this is hot and sexy! very nice 3 I like these two a lot
Aerecurie chapter 1 . 6/9/2012
Great work! Alistair's goofy but endearing awkwardness is spot-on here. And although I usually prefer a Tabris Warden, I found Elissa a fun character to read about. I loved how you ended it with humor. The line "You're incorrigible, you handsome, cheese-loving fool" made me giggle!

Oh, and it was, of course, hot :D
Alia92 chapter 1 . 6/6/2012
:{ Too freaking beautiful! I loved it!
AwesomeSauce chapter 1 . 6/4/2012
Very, very, VERY good. I loved it!

A few inconsistencies though, about halfway through the story you suddenly started using the name Lily instead of Elissa. And a few times you mixed up your 'hers' and 'his'.

For example;

'"Oh, Maker, Alistair."

Her name on his lips must have done something to him, because he shuddered again,'

It should be 'His name on her lips must have done something to him,'

But other than that, really good story.
Chiyo-Imorii chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
A well-written, lovely one-shot of a story. I enjoyed the fact that it was true to the characters, or at least to Alistair, in that his dialogue all seemed like something you could hear him saying in-game, if such a scene were to happen, and his actions were the same as well. Lovely piece of work here, I enjoyed it immensely. Thanks for sharing it!
Ryalla-Swiftwind chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
Very nice. Alistair pairings are my favourite and your story had a great mix of adventure and romance.