Reviews for Poles Apart
ElizaG1 chapter 14 . 8/29
I was so nervous Mrs. Thornton would succumb to her illness in your story so I am glad she’s able to give a blessing. Hopefully the path to matrimony is not as rocky!
Guest chapter 14 . 7/20
Wow just wow...I started this story yesterday and finished it right now. I hope you have the inspiration to update soon and finish the great journey of these wonderful characters.
Mummyluv chapter 14 . 7/13
Thank you for your chapter, look forward to the next.
Elizabeth Hades chapter 7 . 7/4
I am loving how authoritative and patriarchal Thornton is, how it sets Mags a-squirming! Well done!
Elizabeth Hades chapter 5 . 7/4
Oh Mr Thornton and his faint-inducing neck! I love it!
Nancyjeanne chapter 14 . 5/9
I loved this very much and can’t wait for more!
Maya et Ccie chapter 14 . 4/9
I'm so happy to find a new chaper to this story ! and I can't wait to have the rest of their adventure
I really want to read their happy ending. They are so cute together, I never get enouch of this two, they really belong to each other !
I'm so happy that Mrs Thorton finally understands that, if she is with them, nothing could ever stop them from marrying !
Thank you for this chapter, the declaration of John and Margaret were soooooo cute, my little heart is melting *_*
I can't wait to read the end !
Amanda chapter 14 . 4/2
Oh my - this story is amazing. Really, really well done. Characters are on point!
MossRose10 chapter 14 . 3/16
Wow! This has been really good so far! I have questions that my brain demands answers for, so I will patiently await your next update.
sleepywitchysamurai chapter 12 . 3/13
At first, I thought Dixon was like Mrs Bennett but I had to discard that likeness because it did not seem to fit and was an insult to the latter. Then, my mind offered up Lady Catherine de Bourgh (the 2005 movie version of her- the best and only depection of her character by Judi Dench that I l oi ve and accept), however, this did not seem like a perfect fit until her behaviour towards Lady Shaw. She is- to an extent- the female version of Mr Collins! Lol, I cannot, hehehehehe.
sleepywitchysamurai chapter 10 . 3/13
Oh yes! Finally my babies have talked. I know Margaret has always been courageous- towards her causes but less so, towards her hearts desires. So I honestly was taken by surprise when she confessed all of that to him, like John, I thought it was a dream sequence. I'm so freaking happy! I know they will still need to work on some things coz they are both so headstrong but my ship is finally sailing
sleepywitchysamurai chapter 9 . 3/13
Dixon needs to stay in her lane, she's trying to interfere with my ship becoming official- like they don't have their own obstacles to overcome.

Had to google when thimbles were invented and it said 1695, so wouldn't thimbles already be around and a well knowly tool to prevent/minimize needlestick injuries.
nancyjeanne chapter 14 . 3/6
Absolutely beautiful, thank you!
Kartos chapter 10 . 3/5
lol these two are always such raw emotions, so when they finally decide to be honest, it's like a flood!
Guest chapter 14 . 2/23
Another beautifully written chapter! Such a talent! Thank you. 1914
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