Reviews for Against the Grain
lioneater chapter 28 . 3/31
This is my second time reading this story. Can't wait to reread the sequel. (:
inuyasha1brak chapter 21 . 12/14/2018
what the what
The muffin in question chapter 9 . 8/23/2018
*beginning of chapter 9I had fried much more (bugs) than I wanted to." Soooooo, what you're saying is she's a human bug zapper xD also, loving this so far!
sesshomarusdancer chapter 18 . 2/17/2017
Gah I knew it was gonna be Kuronue's amulet!
sesshomarusdancer chapter 3 . 2/12/2017
First time reader here. I really like this story so far. I like reading things that are complete because I hate waiting. It's even better when there are sequels already! Really looking forward to reading it. Thanks for writing it!
JumpingBeans480 chapter 2 . 6/22/2015
Well, if you're editing the chapters, from what I remember of japanese high school, it's only 3 years instead of 4.
NanneroftheWE chapter 28 . 12/28/2014
I love this story! :D Reina is an awesome OC! Can't wait to read the sequel!
Deb.23 chapter 15 . 12/26/2014
Holy hell... writing runs in your genes.. your sis is quite good too...
LilliLabyrinth chapter 25 . 9/5/2014
I really dig how you pieced together a new motive behind Kurama's fuming desire to end Karasu's life. I've seen the idea a lot in KxOC fics (Karasu messing with Kurama's girl I mean), but they were never quite as detailed as this. Bueno job.
Aki-Whose name has been stolen chapter 13 . 4/27/2014
Hi, I just wanted to say that if Reina can sense demons and overall have 'gut' feelings, she would have the spiritual sense to watch the video without the fuzz right? If Shizuru can sense them, so can Reina...who is capable of sensing something demonic from Kurama...right?

I dunno, it just makes sense when I think about it that way.
Nobody'sNobody chapter 28 . 4/17/2014
So, yeah. Didnt expect to like a story that had an Oc as one of the main characters. Good job on reina, and giving her potential without becoming super laser queen. I love that hiei and her clash a bit. Not everyone is gonna like her at first, you know?
Overall, good job.
Now, off to sequel land!
Miqila chapter 28 . 3/1/2014
This was a nice story, found it few days ago and now I'm wondering where I should start... hmm...

Well for starters, about chapter 21, I think it was. When you mentioned character death in the A.N I was first sure it'd be Reina and she'd come back to life after the tournament like Genkai, but when Ryo appeared I knew he'd be the one dying, which reminds me that I was hoping he'd come back to life along with Genkai... well, apparently not. I liked Ryo and for a while I hoped you would've killed Reina instead, not that she's bad OC or anything. I did have a smal "Mary Sue alert" when her heart stopped beating since I thought you had made her in to a half demon like Yusuke... glad that I was wrong.

As for Reina's relationship with the others: I really liked the scenes between her and Jin and to be honest I was hoping that they'd end up together (I knew it wouldn't happen since this is KuramaXOC but still.) And her relationship with Hiei is... erm... rather interesting, for the lack of better word. And at the end she seemed so close to Touya, which left me wondering if I had missed something? I mean sure they fought side by side at one point, but they seemed so close it was weird. I like your way of writing him tough.

In the end, two mysteries still remain:
1. Did Kurama and Reina have sex in the woods like Shizuru suggested? (Probably not, but I wanna make sure.)
2. Did Reina think of naked Kuwabara like she promised Hiei?

And now I'm off to read the sequel.
Girlinblue24 chapter 8 . 1/22/2014
On a side note, I LOVE Boton. Actually, I like all of the female characters. They are awesome. I don't really think I dislike anyone in the show at all, really...

A sword lodged in his stomach, and he doesn't even care. I'm just sitting here screaming, 'WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!'

Lovely chapter again!
Girlinblue24 chapter 7 . 1/22/2014
Gah! Cliffhanger! Lucky for me, I can just click the next button for the next chapter. I would be going crazy if I had to wait for an update!

I loved the humorous parts in this. I laughed a few times. The fence scene and how undignified it would be fore her to jump.
Girlinblue24 chapter 5 . 12/24/2013
"Alright, Reina?" Did you mean, "are you alright, Reina?" There was another typo somewhere, but I don't remember where... If those are meant to be typos anyway

I love this story. The beginning kept me on the edge of my seat! This whole chapter was interesting. I love long chapters myself, so it was great to read a long good chapter. I think I really like Reina.
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