Reviews for Seashell
Inevitable Farewell chapter 1 . 1/24/2016
Ugh, feels.

I know it's already 2 years since this story published. But, I really want to say...

I KNOW RIGHT? That's what I did in my story for my pen-pal. Kill their favorite characters plus favorite pair, and when they read it, they protested about why did I kill them. XD

Keep writing!
april31st chapter 1 . 2/9/2014
Awww this is actually such a romantic story, I mean, Yuuma and his treats to Gumi sounds so romantic.

But uhm, well, i kinda dont get the last part. So they died? Or Gumi aready had died and Yuuma thought to die with her body in the ocean? Or...what?
Megumi Aka-Chan chapter 1 . 10/4/2013
I don't understand. Why'd they kill themselves?
The Reality DumPer chapter 1 . 9/21/2013
Oh my... I thought I was gonna cry at the end of the story, and you just had to spoil the drama by putting that author's note! Hahaha! Okay, I sprang back up.
Brai33 chapter 1 . 4/16/2013
Aww c'mon man . it was such a good story and then you had to get Gumi killed which is horrible, but then you killed Yuuma as well... it was such an amazing story and then it was a really sad and good story... excuse me while I go cry in a corner ;;
shutupFreak chapter 1 . 3/22/2013
AHH! SICK LOVE STORY! but nice effects though.
nerumi h chapter 1 . 9/26/2012
Im going to kill you
Why did I reread this
I figured I should review since I said I would like three years ago but I didn't, also because you mentioned me and I don't want people thinking I'm RUDE or anything ffsshhh

I don't even know what to sayyyy ughhh this is so depressing and I feel like my emotions we're expressed through my reading of it on Skype
So now this review has to be about the technical and constructive criticism about your writing!...but that pretty much always boils down to 'you're perfect stop being perfect no why do you manage to crush my heart but be amazing at it whyyyy'

Coherent review, complete!

No but seriously I love you I love this and not just because it's my favourite ship
Mysyl chapter 1 . 8/19/2012
Aw, so sweet and tragic! I'm a sucker for tragedies, too. Well done!
KKSunny chapter 1 . 7/11/2012
This was horrible. Why did you write this?
I knew I wasn't going to cry - I didn't - but I could just /feel/ Yuuma's sadness throughout the entire story. asdfghjkl; This was really well put together and you've caught the character's personalities so well. I applaud you, good sir.
fip chapter 1 . 7/1/2012
this is lovely! you've got such a nice writing style ! lighthearted yet tragic.
Lisztening chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
M'kay, gonna stop writing my juvenile little VY2/Gumi piece in 1, 2...jk lol, at least after jury duty is over. OTL

Anyways, I'm liking this minimalistic style you adopted for this fic. It's very Yuuma, at least in my own headcanon haha.

As for killing off both parties of a pairing, well the love-death/liebestod craze during the romantic era existed for a reason. It's a moving device in the right hands and very...romantic, which hopefully was the intention.

Hope to see more, whatever you have in store for your next piece!
Emanon chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
This is great! Poor Yuuma though, I really want to know why she died. At first i just tough she was in come or something but after a while I realise she is dead.