Reviews for Sunset
Sophie chapter 1 . 5/29/2012
Hsy me again

Before you posted this I was starting to think I was the only person whoever went on here these days but obviously you have proved me wrong. Well thanks for the story it was very nice and I hope you continue some of your other stories or add on to this one either way I will be happy

From Sophie
Sophie chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
The memories will never fade that's the one I really would love for you to get around to finishing

From Sophie
Sophie chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
Actually I have more to say

This story Is good and so are all you're storys and they should defiantly get finished when you have time

You are probobly a fan of edge and bec well I'm a fan of fly and Heath but this is still good maybe you will take me up on my idea but if you decide against it that's fine to this story is brilliant as it is

From sophie
Sophie chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
Hi this is really good but I do think you should finish some of the many other fanfics you have like the one were fly and Heath get married that's one I really want to get finished

Anyways if this isn't going to be a one shot then I have an idea for the other chapters you don't have to follow it but you can

My idea is: you write a chapter on the all the couples point of views then one of the whole group

But please finish the fan fic of fly and getting married

From Sophie