Reviews for Broken
LifewithDew chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
This is really good, in a tragic kind of way...
(That may be taken 2 ways, but I mean it as a good thing)

It was really believably Prowl to stay so long, and then return to work and but it beside him. Also inspired hope, with that only the present and future mattered.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/19/2012
*sniffle* I fell so...melancholy now.
For a tragedy, this is just so...tragic. In other words, you've summarized the story very well, in which you've also managed to contain Prowl's personality and backstory. A fantastic story indeed.
*sniff* Poor prowler...
JazzNProwl's sparklingAriaFyre chapter 1 . 6/2/2012
Yay! You fixed it! I could read it! Lol But seriously tho this was good. I loved Prowl's thoughts. Good job.
Starfire201 chapter 1 . 6/1/2012
I've heard the song "Broken" before as Lifehouse is a favorite band of mine, so I'd say the tone of the song does fit this story well. Also was a very good characterization of Prowl, even if a kind of sad one, and the symbolism was well done.

If you should post more here, I'd be interested in seeing them.