Reviews for Officer Brady
chavelaprincess chapter 6 . 5/17/2017
annieathome1 chapter 6 . 5/12/2013
Brendan Brady - Officer Brady? this AU was not implausible at all! whatever else Brendan has been, he's always been protective of 'his Steven'! (and being the clotheshorse that he was on the show with all his suits, various leather jackets, the sweaters, etc...I wouldn't mind seeing him in a uniform! umf!) and street Ste - eyeliner? (I personally wouldn't want anything to interfere with those eyelashes!), to start with he 'bites' Brendan! almost at their first meeting he calls Brendan 'my hero!' and that first night, Brendan asks of him: 'who are you?' & Steven answers: 'I'm yours' - I can easily love him, straight(lol) off!...while Brendan does physically carry Steven more than once in your story, Brendan is literally 'carried away' by Steven just as well!...and that's very romantic! and the unofficial use of handcuffs, time for a quickie, and inclusions of Vinnie/Vincent and Danny (but never Daniel!) and the canon(?) shout out with (maybe not) the fallen picture but definitely the hammer! so many little gems! and love your description of Steven - making Brendan crazy in a good way! I was struck to the quick when you 'didn't' have Brendan's life flash before his eyes when almost being strangled to death, rather you noted - Brendan felt blank; he was simply sad. There was no room for any other emotion. that was chilling. but on a lighter note, I absolutely love how you started with and ended with, well maybe a few times in-be-tween too, the inclusion of that running line - 'I'll come quietly! - Steven didn't, and then he did for the 1st/only time and Brendan assures him/us it will be the last time as well! you clever girl!
Guest chapter 6 . 3/26/2013
this was a lovely fic x x
Rebecca chapter 6 . 1/15/2013
I think that was actually the best fanfic I have ever read. Oh my god, amazing.
PatriciaJessic chapter 6 . 10/16/2012
awesome. I think you need to add more to it. Say for example, they go back to chester and how Amy and Cheryl feel about them. They meet each other's kids and so on.
shun95145 chapter 6 . 7/27/2012
Loved every part of this story, please do a continuation or epilogue. I would really like to know how things turned out.
cooperh05 chapter 1 . 7/24/2012
Love it.
Hopeless41 chapter 6 . 7/21/2012
Loved this story, well done xxxx
STU chapter 6 . 7/21/2012
Hmm chapter 6 . 7/21/2012
Bit of an abrupt ending, no?
Empathist chapter 6 . 7/21/2012
Ooh that was a rollercoaster of a final chapter. Sex and violence and a perfect resolution. Lovely :)
Guest chapter 6 . 7/21/2012
It's funny but I've got this kind of scenario(Ste killing someone to protect BB) for Stendan in my mind since last summer. In my opinnion it'd be something strong to bring Ste and Brendan together and very in character of their relationship. Great drama, Stendan together and no sentimentality about it. Very Stendany.
Love Out Of Lust chapter 6 . 7/21/2012
This is a lovely way to end it. I'll miss this fic, but I have no doubt that you'll write many other wonderful ones. I love all the teasing, pinning and straddling at the start, and this bit is both sexy and endearing: "I'm going to fuck you, Brady" Stephen growled, his eyes dark with pleasure. Brendan couldn't help grinning at him; he sounded no more intimidating than an angry kitten.". So perfect, and so Ste. It's really clever how you've included Danny in this story, and how there are certain canon pieces of dialogue (the role reversal of Ste saying "It had to be that way. It had to be" is particularly great.) The part where Danny describes Ste as his pet and saying "Oh, it speaks! What else can you get it to do?" is brilliant. And I like how you've changed it so Vinnie meant something to Ste, rather than just Brendan. The end really left me believing that they were going to survive it and stay together, and ending on a saucy note is never a bad thing. ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
I so need more of Officer Brady! Please update! I'm dying here! :)
PrettyLittleScars chapter 5 . 7/12/2012
Loved that ending moment between Ste and Bren. But we all know when something good happens, something bad happens.
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