Reviews for Pieces of Me
Elawree chapter 30 . 10/12
So excited to see the update! A great set-up chapter, I am honestly nervous about the action I know is coming! But it seems like everyone is feeling very driven now. Hoping Leah makes it home ok!
Azlady2003 chapter 30 . 10/7
I hope his new goal doesn't make him stay behind when Bella leaves again
Guest chapter 30 . 10/5
Thank you for the update. Looking forward to future updates.
twiclare chapter 30 . 10/7
I hope they can keep Emily safe!
twiclare chapter 29 . 10/7
It’s all getting a bit scary!
LizziePaige chapter 30 . 10/7
I’d be surprised if they would accept the kind of help and assistance Edward is thinking of. I imagine any such program would be best delivered by their own culture/people, but would that even happen? It’s a bit of a conundrum.
debslmac chapter 30 . 10/7
AnakinSmom chapter 30 . 10/6
they have the information now they just need t round up the bad guys. Easier said than done I'm sure. And how safe is the sage house?
mysticfighter111 chapter 30 . 10/6
I really hope Leah is alive and they just chucked her phone.
NeeNee246 chapter 30 . 10/6
This is really great! I can't wait to read more of this story! :)
flyrbrd chapter 30 . 10/6
VryUnique chapter 5 . 10/6
Even when parents are bad children can’t help but hope for love and acceptance. Maybe Renee really did change?
I like that Edward confronted jasper, it wasn’t Jasper’s place to say something about the baby.
So Bella was the one who left Edward and he stayed in Seattle and waited for her. She shouldn’t have ran, the stress may be why she lost the baby. Edward shouldn’t have Cluelessly brought the letter home acting like it was a good idea.
VryUnique chapter 4 . 10/6
I was thinking the same thing as Edward. He should have known, how did he not know. He promised her that they never had to come back.
I didn’t like how Jasper threw the baby in Bella’s face. So Edward knew he had a kid in the world? And did nothing about it? What does that say about him?
Edward got a job offer from Renee’s anonymous charity, that couldn’t be coincidence. What was her motive?
VryUnique chapter 3 . 10/6
Bella hurt people to get what she wanted? Bella left people? Bella hurt people? I’m trying to put pieces together and so far I’m not seeing Bella as the bad guy. She didn’t even really insult Edward, just insulted him in regards to her mother.
Bella and Edward left Forks together. Edward got a job and came back alone, leaving Bella. Now it sounds like that job offer was from Renee taking Edward away from her. Unless that wasn’t her intention and she thought it would bring Bella back. I’m still waiting to find out what Bella did except go on with her life away from Forks.
VryUnique chapter 2 . 10/6
I had thought Bella ran away to college and left everybody because of her mother. After this chapter it sounds like Bella and her fiancé left together until he came back by himself. I wonder why he did that...? If Bella didn’t want to go back than why did he? It sounds like he broke up with her when he left.
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