Reviews for Come
NameEveriel chapter 1 . 9/3/2012
Very well written.

Garrus' heart must be breaking, because either way he loses. If he ignores her and goes with, he denies Sheppard her heartfelt wish to see him safe. If he listens to her, he has to watch her go sacrifice herself alone. Just... angst. Le yikes.

I have no idea about the Mass Effect Universe, never having played it. However, this piece is so well done that you've persuaded me to pick up the game. Not that I have the time to play, but darn it, I'll make the time. Very tragic, but believable.
OinkyThePiggy chapter 1 . 8/10/2012
Oddly enough, this is pretty close to the EC they released. Nice job.
ellenikki chapter 1 . 6/2/2012
I appreciate this because I personally think that bioware could have at least given us something poignant and tragic instead of the crap, pointless, and nonsensical ending they provided. I also agree that Garrus would acquiesce to any kind of plea from Shepard, and would say "fuck that order, I'm going!" Still I like your angsty tragic lovers moment, since something like this would realistically precede Shepard's ultimate sacrifice.
sharpie ink chapter 1 . 6/1/2012
man so angsty, could have used more *goes to sob in corner*
Ryoko Metallium chapter 1 . 6/1/2012
So sad that I can't stop crying!
dovahkiin17 chapter 1 . 5/31/2012
the way garrus said "i hate you" as the last thing he'd ever say to her really got to me. despite his sarcastic wit it just seemed wrong. no mushy gushy stuff was needed but i just think "i hate you" was a wrong choice of words. other than that it was pretty good.
Thanatos34 chapter 1 . 5/31/2012
I do like the idea, and something like this was needed, but like you said, there's just no way in hell Garrus lets her go by herself.

And I can't really see most Shepards even asking him beyond one time, given that if the situations were reversed, she'd tell him to shove it.

Nevertheless, it is well written. Thanks for sharing.