Reviews for Daisies
Proud Pancake of Prussia chapter 1 . 11/21/2016
Wow. I cried during that. I guess I'm just emotional. great story
fireweed15 chapter 1 . 2/17/2013
First of all, I have to give you serious credit for the amount of research you put into this- the world needs more of that in fan fiction. But more importantly, I loved it. You express all of Ludwig's thoughts and emotions in a beautifully understated way, and it works perfectly. The ending was definitely my favorite part. ((A suggestion to flesh out the ending a bit would be to expand on what Feli's and Romano's and Ludwig's lives are like after they were released. Just something to consider.)) Lovely work.
Hemingway'sWhiskey chapter 1 . 7/29/2012
O.O dude, i seriously started bawling halfway through this and when i finished i was like WOOT! seriously awesome ending! and the fact that you researched this? awesome. I love me the happy endings XD keep up the awesome work!
Aariah chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
Wow, that was amaing! I love the fact that you actually did research on what you wrote, even if you had to because it was for an asignment. I wish that more people would actually take the time to learn about what they are trying to write.
madame of music chapter 1 . 6/3/2012


That made me really sad.



You write really well. I like it :D