Reviews for From Dusk
Reveriemare chapter 18 . 11/30/2016
Wow, this is the first Jakeward story I read that didn't include romance (well, not a huge amount of it) but had the focus on the horror genre instead - I love it!
It's quite an interesting plot that the relationship between Bella and Edward could mean the end of humankind and although it sounds a bit unbelievable, you turned the story around and made it believable. I wouldn't want to have an all-consuming monster running around, how must have the Cullens felt!
Thank you for the uncommon yet very entertaining story :D
cicibunbuns chapter 18 . 5/5/2016
Perfect ending!
lytebrytehybrid88 chapter 18 . 3/27/2016
I must ask for a sequel to this story of how jacob in the present handles being with Edward with both of them dealing with the past future. What about the volturi I could see them making a rule to never let anyone turn isabella swan hell kill her to protect everyone else.
sampam69 chapter 18 . 10/22/2015
This was F***ING EPIC!
MiAiMo chapter 18 . 7/28/2015
I loved it
Juliakaze26 chapter 18 . 4/11/2014
Would love to read a sequel...
Maxylicious chapter 18 . 6/27/2013
I dont know why I hesitated so much to read this. I guess it was because it was labeled as horror. Despite all that I really enjoyed reading this. Great work!
Venus914 chapter 18 . 5/27/2013
I would just like to add that if Edward mutates because future-Jacob bit him, so will Emmet because the Throne bit him too.

So, Edward is Jacob's imprint. It's hardly fair, isnt it. I mean, the imprint cant connect because Edward is dead. But if Edward is not a vampire, they wouldnt have met because he was born in the late 1800s! You know what i mean? Had Edward stayed alive and not a vampire, he would be an old man by now or dead. So, is Jacob not fated to meet with his imprint then?

I laughed at Bella's fate. I mean, Edward is off-limits to her and Carlisle, Billy and Sam forbade young Jacob of contacting her...she has no choice but to marry human. Well, it's her fault for wanting adventures in her boring life. She wanted so much of things that she shouldnt have attempted. SHe is ordinary and she should have remained ordinary.

Your plot is great. Bella having a 'monster' gene is classic and there should have been thousands of stories that revolves around this plot. )
Venus914 chapter 6 . 5/27/2013
Bella is kinda pathetic, 'no?

Normal self-respecting women with dignity wouldnt act like pathetically like she is. I mean, if im dumped by my bf/fiance and im in his home, id leave and go to my family, to preserve my sanity and my embarrassment. Because no matter how close she is to Alice and Jasper, they are Edward's family. It's like she is pushing herself to them.

Believe me, i have tried dumping people and being dumped. When i was dumped, and it happened in his house, i left right away. I arrange for my friends to get my things. I admit that it hurt. But just because we are hurting, it's not an excuse to beg or to appear pathetic by being weak. He already knows you are hurt, dont make it worst by crying and begging. It's not sexy at all. And it would be a point loss in your favor. You already lost him, dont lose your dignity and self-respect by chasing him. After all, if he wants you back, then he should be the one chasing. He's the one who left, anyway.

I dont understand women like Bella.
Venus914 chapter 15 . 5/27/2013
Im reviewing on the wrong chapter but it doesnt change the fact that i will be saying the same thing. Bella is selfish, always wanting to make her lovelife perfect without thinking about the consequences to the world.
BlankMask chapter 18 . 12/9/2012
The story is really good. But please next time for Chapter 14 put up a warning. I was eating.
MinxyKatt chapter 18 . 11/18/2012
This. Story. Is. Brilliant.

I don't know how you came up with such a plot and followed it through so well,but I have to commend you on job fantastically done D

I really enjoyed how you mixed the characters, their thoughts and the details/description of the plot together. The flow of the story is great and the pace you take is very convincing.

Your details in the destruction, corruption and the demise of Jacob were very well done and well executed! I thoroughly enjoyed this future Jake's character.

Won't lie, was hoping for a little more from the relationship front, but the hints and the subtleties that you used actually worked very well and demonstrated a good writers character formation talent. I think it was better they didn't immediately get together, or that Ed didn't have relations with future Jake 'cause I suppose it kept with the pace and would've become unrealistic if they all of a sudden were stark raving madly in love with one another...just wish we saw a little more of *five years later* stuff.

Just a critique. You may want to get a beta just for the small grammar and language errors. They weren't terrible but sometimes words were missing, spelt wrong, the wrong word was used or the incorrect tense or number of the word was used. Otherwise a great read and definitely something to fav :)

Thank you for sharing such a creative, adventurous and interesting tale with us :)
sissisvargas chapter 1 . 10/22/2012
I gotta say that i LOVED your story! It was like watching Resident Evil in Twilight version but better :D Amaizing, though it would have been better if there was some naughty sceenes or even a kiss between Jake and Eddie. I would have loved to see more of this story, if you can, make a sequel or just and epilogue.
b3yondimaginations chapter 17 . 10/11/2012
oops i mean *because edward's dead. anw, i'm glad this story was written. it was a very very enjoyable read. :) hope u'll write more fics on this pairing.
b3yondimaginations chapter 18 . 10/11/2012
i must say, this is the most awesome twilight fic i've ever read yet. you are a really good writer and the story was perfect! it's so captivating and exciting and i love every bit of it. the characters were great. really love how u portrayed jacob. how he's strong and even the young him says the same thing as the older him. love how they got together at the end and the concept of why he couldn't imprint because edward's not dead. love this story!
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