Reviews for We Lost Creatures
Miciah367 chapter 1 . 7/13/2017
I thought this was really sweet. I love it.
Kneoria chapter 1 . 10/16/2015
That last bit made me sad.
xbecbebex chapter 1 . 5/17/2015
Ugh, amazing.
ErinKenobi2893 chapter 1 . 2/6/2015
I like the one where they switch out emotions. Also, am I the only one who thinks Bruce Banner could *end* you when he's perfectly, dangerously calm like that? BRUCE IS AWESOME! And Steve is so sweet!
Calypiso chapter 1 . 12/28/2014
Love it! I really want more of the second from the last, where Barton got throqn out a window, but alas, ill leave it to writing in ny head lol. Unless you plan on doing it, which would be awesome. But yeah.
Loved it lol
Guest chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
I love your stories 3
Jimelda chapter 1 . 10/1/2013
Oh man, I loved Ten Nonlinear Moves so much. And to find anm Avengers version?! Much fangirling was had, let me tell you. And there's a ton of potential for this too - I'm surprised it hadn't been done earlier, actually. You did such a great job!

WaxingintheDark chapter 1 . 5/30/2013
Loved this. All your Avengers stories are pure gold and the characterization is spot on and really moving.
AllThatGlistens chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
That was sweet and I really liked it.
1234dghgfj chapter 1 . 4/15/2013
I loved it. The letters kinda confused me though at first.


Mayhem21 chapter 1 . 3/9/2013
This fic was really very good and after going back and re-reading "Ten Nonlinear Moves" I realized what an excellent job you did structuring this in much the same fashion. When I saw that in your A/N I was super excited to be reading this because "Ten Nonlinear Moves" is one of my all time favorite fics and it left a very positive and lasting impression on me from the first time I read it. That being said, this was a very enjoyable read and I really loved how you worked with all the characters and I loved your description of the new handler. I think your rock, paper, scissors scene was super great and overall this was just really fun. Until next time, Happy Writing ;)

Misty Blue chapter 1 . 2/11/2013
B...Bambi? Tony made Thor... Tony made him watch Bambi)? Oh. My. Gosh! I don't hate or dislike the movie at all (I haven't seen it, actually), but... wow, just wow. That just sounded like something Tony Stark would do, doesn't it? And to Thor of all people! Or... gods! Haha! Well, he's the only one he knows, right? Hehehe... that just sounded so lame!

Oh, Steve, yes. You are, no doubt, the man! I mean, who else could balance the team like you do? But seriously, "Live Hard"? "Die Easy"? That, that got me going big time. I couldn't stop laughing my heart out there! Hahahaha!

And oh my, those games? Honestly, yes. Perhaps they really couldn't-wouldn't work. Wow. No... Just... no. If all those things really happened back there, or if they were to happen when a game is played, then one thing, dear gentlemen/lady: No! Playing! Allowed! Haha!

Haha! And oh, my gosh! The Rock, Paper, Scissors? Boy, that proves how hard, fun (or maybe not so much) the Cap's job is; keeping this team up and going; alive and kicking! Wow! Definitely not an easy task.

Oh, the way these guys/girl were before meeting the others? Nah, probably never happening. Steve's right, they've changed each other too much, gone through many things together too much, have done many things together too much, and they themselves have changed too much, far too much, in fact, to ever go back to the way things, and they, used to be. Indeed, they are a family. One that has gone through a lot, and too far, to never care and be cared for; to not love and be loved in returned, as a family does.

Okay: First, you, dear author, and your wonderful and as I've said before, exceptional Avengers one shots, are always appreciated and we wholeheartedly thank you for them! Second, YOU are the one who's brilliant and we think YOU'RE fantastic, and yes, your writing makes our day. Now, how's that? :)

But really, from the bottom of our fanfic-reading hearts, thank you. And personally from me, thank you for this piece! It's funny, sweet, heartfelt, inspiring, beautiful, happy... no, joyful, wonderfully-written. Translation: awesome. Haha! Yeah, I had to borrow that one from you, if you don't mind, of course.

Really, your words are just so plain precious to the eyes, the ears, and especially the mind. That means they go only straight to the heart, so thank you. Love, love this fic!
VampireApple chapter 1 . 2/2/2013
I've read so many fics were the team watched Die Hard. And the rock paper scissors part is awesome.
gronkle-lovah chapter 1 . 1/23/2013
I feel so stupid... who's Cole Bergoon?
avengingwolves chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
aw loved it!
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