Reviews for Once Upon A Time: The Devil's Next Step
Gabby0515 chapter 13 . 6/18/2019
So Belle is being controlled. Doesn't make me like her anymore in this story.
Gabby0515 chapter 6 . 6/18/2019
I'm starting to wonder if it's really Belle. Or, if it is and she's working with Regina because she thinks she can help 'cure' Rumple. Or possibly her heart has been removed and she's being controlled? Idk, something isn't right though.
Gabby0515 chapter 4 . 6/18/2019
It's awful, but I kinda hope Belle is just gone. I don't like her in this story. She's childish. I also don't like that she will only truly love Rumple if he changes. When you love someone you love them faults and all.
bellislefan chapter 12 . 7/3/2014
loving the devil series but i'm curious is it a emma/ rumpel pairing or rumpel/ belle?
orphanedacount chapter 10 . 5/18/2014
Only Belle and rumple go in the study so that means someone has gone in there or belle did it
Lucyole chapter 17 . 5/14/2014
again an amazing and great story poor belle and emma to
but i like how she gets stronger with her magic thats cool.
i just say uhoh for rumple i hope that wouldnt end bad with him cant wati to read the next
story. *chocolate for you*
Sweetangelz18 chapter 17 . 10/7/2012
Wow I like the story I read all the devil series that was interesting . Plzz update the next chapter soon :)
EntrappedInACageOfMyOwnMaking chapter 17 . 8/15/2012
This story rocks! I can't wait until the next installment, I feel alittle sad that Belle died but on the other hand she only loved a fragment of him and not the whole man.
Irisrose7 chapter 17 . 8/8/2012
Wow! Amazing new chapters. Poor Belle, well at least she sorta of died trying to save her true love;a brave hero even in the end with all odds against and you left us with a cliffi. Which I happen to love. PPS:)
BundyShoes chapter 17 . 8/6/2012
This is just amazing! I absolutely love where you have taken this, and I weep over the fact that the show won't be taking this route. I so wish it would, but I am happy that you have written it! :) Cant wait for the next chapter, I look forward to see where you will take it further! :)
Guest chapter 17 . 8/6/2012
Oh my gosh! I love cliffies, but ahhh! I love this story. I love the whole series, but this is my favorite so far. I liked how the scene between Regina and Rumpel played out. Very cool! Can not wait for more!
Iwannabegoldnrumpeled chapter 16 . 8/5/2012
A very good suspenseful chapter! Love it!
Liliesandroses chapter 16 . 8/4/2012
I love Emma!Hopefully Rumpelstiltskin would go with her instead of Belle though or that'd be pretty sad.
update soon!
Iwannabegoldnrumpeled chapter 15 . 7/29/2012
Great chapter! More please! :)
Notsureyet18 chapter 15 . 7/28/2012
Finally caught up! Really moving this along and the story is really picking up pace! Will Regina finally show herself? Will Belle's true ailment be revieled? Can Emma best Jefferson? So many questions and I cannot wait for them to be answered.
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