Reviews for Cells
wouldsomebody chapter 1 . 1/16/2013
I'll be honest: I thought this was rather hot. Though I'm glad that such an interpretation was left entirely to the imagination, because otherwise . . . Well, trust me, I have nothing against homosexuality, but in this specific context it wouldn't have worked as well if presented directly. So, good judgement call on your part. Lul. Plus, I am greatly entertained by any instance in which the Doctor gets taken down from the high horse he occasionally lets himself ride, so that bit at the end where he dodges the pulling-rank-suggestion made me grin.

All in all, good stuff. You should write more! There were some grammar/spelling mistakes and a few weirdly phrased sentences, but aside from that, nothing too irksome. I would certainly like to read something else by you, and so I'll follow you just in case.

Peace out.
MushroomWings chapter 1 . 12/23/2012
Oh, I didn't realize my latest reviewer wrote this! Hi!

I do not like the idea of corporal punishment, no, but I would not put it against Brig to not do such a thing. This is very well written and a wonderful story. I liked it very much! Thank you for writing this!

(I also probably found it a lot more kinky than I should have in some parts but that's just the shipper in me I guess.)
slave in mind chapter 1 . 6/16/2012
I love your fanfic. The idea is very good. Could you please do another one with the same people and idea? :)
notwritten chapter 1 . 6/9/2012
That was nice. Keep smiling. :-)