Reviews for Stick With Me
AstroLibra chapter 42 . 9/25
Hopefully you’ll come back to this story! I’m dying for Bonnie and Stiles to finally start seeing eye to eye!
juniper chapter 42 . 5/22
Awesome work. Pls update soon.
reneebruce23 chapter 25 . 3/13
I don't like chapter 20 coming to the end the words Caroline said was not called for Bonnie deserves being normal u can't always help people. like why should bonnie help at the expense of her life.
Juniper chapter 42 . 7/25/2019
Awesome work as usual.
random person chapter 1 . 9/24/2018
You probably get this a lot, but is 'John' supposed to be Sheriff Stilinski?
May F. Oliver chapter 42 . 9/23/2018
I had read this story several years ago, but I vaguely remember reading only the beginning and for some reason I did not continue. As I always take a look to see crossovers with Bonnie I saw that the fic had been updated and had a lot of chapters posted and I went to read. Although I was a little disappointed not to see much romance in Stiles and Bonnie, I found her story really amazing!

You actually wrote like a show with a lot of things going on, sinning just to not include more characters, but I loved what you included and how you managed to incorporate Bonnie so well into Teen Wolf's universe without involving her too much, totally change the narrative canon in the show, I like that she somehow has a past with Peter and all that. And what lacked in romance with Stiles you managed to compensate a little with this sismance that has everything to be Bonnie's epic with Lydia, seriously had moments that I wanted to cry.

I do not really like Allison here, but it was the same on the show, at this time of the season, of course everything is justified by what has happened to her, I hope she gets out of it and becomes really Bonnie's friend, God knows what how much this girl needs better friends, as Lydia has proven herself! I liked the way you have used both Katherine and Rebekah in the plot, without being good, but also without being complete instruments of chaos. The presence of the two included in the plot helpfully makes me like a little more of them, in a positive light, Rebekah has always been easy to see mankind, but Katherine is a more difficult character to see as human and you managed to pass this very well.

I love his text is simple, concise and to the point, in my view what enriches him is how he can also be insightful, intelligent and full of a very impressive depth considering that you do not use so many words. Your characterizations are very perfect, by the way. I could read 50 more chapters of this story with great pleasure.

I do not know what you have planned for fic now that you've resumed, just hope you can take your time and do not rush so much history to get to do justice to the novel Bonnie and Stiles that had so little development. I feel like we're still in the middle of the story and a lot more is going to happen and I hope the rhythm does not become too fast and you still enjoy enough of this story to make it last a little longer. I think it would be incredible if you took advantage of what's good in the canon of both shows and add to the story, especially the Stiles bow in the third season with him being the kitsune, I really liked his bow and the growth and depth that he provided Stiles. It would really be awesome to know how you would translate those bows and others that happened, into that incredible universe you created for this fic.

Lilly Kisses

Ps.: I LOVED Caroline's appearance (I wanted her so much that she showed up, since you said that someone from TVD was going to show up, kkk) and know that she's going to stay permanently in the story, made me happy too ! I love Baroline and it will be great to see them together. I'm also very anxious to know what Lydia and Caroline's interaction will be like, I think they can be great friends, and together with Bonnie, it's going to make a much better and more balanced trio of friends than Bonnie, Caroline and Elena. Not to mention that you write much better friendships. To be perfect just need Allison overcome her problems and join these divas.
Jejee chapter 42 . 9/19/2018
Thanks for the update it was really cool
Jejee chapter 40 . 9/19/2018
So glad to see you back
guest chapter 42 . 9/17/2018
honestly speaking I'm disappointed that I'm 42 chapters in and I have yet to have a bonnie/stiles moment or interaction that has left me satisfied. But thanks for not giving up on this and I hope to see Bonnie and stiles together
Cartoonanimewritter chapter 39 . 3/12/2018
It’s been ages since I’ve re read this
Guest chapter 39 . 4/8/2017
Omg is there gonna be sequel I hope so or r u done with this fix
Jusele chapter 1 . 5/26/2016
U should continue this
ems chapter 39 . 12/14/2015
Oh this is awesome.
joanna chapter 39 . 12/6/2015
I love this story. Hell I love all of your work. Bonnie is right about stiles personality and being a vampire is not for everybody. I can't see stiles as a vampire. He will end up as a ripper or maybe worse than a ripper. I hope he learns to value his humanity and about his dad. Post more chapters. Pleaseeeee
Guest chapter 39 . 7/14/2015
Ik this fanfic is old but I'm in love with this and I need you to get inspired and finish this up for us! It's an amazing fic! Get Bonnie and Stiles together and finish his up! Please, and thank you! I love this story so hope you get this and remember to finish this
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