Reviews for Role Reversal
elisemiller67 chapter 31 . 5/5
Cant find it at all -.-
Blueskkies chapter 31 . 5/5
Do a post on tumblr with a link to ao3 with your new user name for us
Zubes chapter 30 . 11/7/2019
Hi I just re-read this story and I love it so much! Hopefully you can finish it one day :)
7528464 chapter 7 . 6/23/2018
I love this story sm! Its the only one where I ship Pezberry!
Guest chapter 30 . 3/16/2018
to be continued?
jeelii chapter 23 . 3/1/2018
I’m on Chapter 23 and I want to stop reading only because I fear in getting my hopes up for an update or a conclusion to your story. You’re amazing at what you do! And I hope one day you will continue the rest of your fanfics. I, for one, believe you will because Brittana believes in you and so do I! Brittana 4ever! :) Thank you for sharing all your work! I’ve pretty much read all of them! Thank you!
Guest chapter 30 . 9/20/2017
Still waiting for Brittana to get together but it's never going to happen. I still remember one of you A/N: "First – I feel this is incredibly important (and it applies to all my fics) – regardless of what's happening on the show, I have not given up on Brittana, nor will I. That being said, my fics will not be neglected. I feel like a lot of the fics and authors that I follow have simply given up on their stories because the lack of Brittana on the show is uninspiring. I'm not judging – that's their choice. As a reader as well as a writer, I know what it's like to wait for updates and it's hella disappointing when it doesn't come. You guys can't get rid of me that easily :p"
Guest chapter 30 . 3/19/2017
Hey look I REALLY loved your story and I know it's been quite a while but please, PLEASE update I found in Tumblr that actually did start chapter 31 so can you find some time to continue this story i know everybody may have lost some fate that you'll update but I won't so please come back
thereader93 chapter 30 . 3/19/2017
So is this story ever going to update/finish or should I just give up hoping?
EPONGE221 chapter 1 . 1/27/2017
You are so good! Hopefully Britt can reunite with her sister and get out of her parent's house before she goes crazy.
Guest chapter 30 . 9/29/2016
Lord I just read all the chapters again in 2 years and I missed this! And the fact that one of your A/N said this is supposed to be a trilogy :((((((((
Guest chapter 30 . 9/26/2016
It's sad that some people have no life and hide behind anonymity to be a troll that obviously doesn't belong in the Brittana fandom and a Brittany hater smh
HeyAndi chapter 1 . 8/28/2016
Well... I've just read this entire thing again Where are you at girl?
Guest chapter 30 . 5/9/2016
no faberry, and continue this please! like, you really said Brittana will happen in the second part but the first part isn't even done yet. how could you not update your most liked story? haha but yeah this is really like so special bc Brittany is mean and the hbic here which is so so so very different. and I love it, please continue this even though you haven't touched this story for two years. i'm hoping I could be the one to change your mind about finishing the story. and if you don't want to, give it to another talented writer! i just really need this to be finished. I know people are probs always like "this is my fav story!" or something, but they probably really mean it. just like I do. i love this story and the way Brittany is portrayed. it shows a side no one has ever been to. a hbic Brittany is the best thing I ever read. please please please continue this. literally spent this time writing this to you so you can complete this story... or give it to someone else. idc I just want this
Guest chapter 12 . 4/21/2016


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