Reviews for Miserable at Best
wavyinterlude chapter 1 . 9/24/2017
Omg this really is like Invisible by animeaddict2323232! I can tell from the start, it’s just like it! Thanks so much I love that story!
kya the puppy chapter 11 . 9/8/2017
so thais was the hate heh i truly hate u but not for long
Bahareh Rose chapter 24 . 12/13/2016
This story is like "Invisible" written by animeaddict2323232
cupcakeaw21 chapter 24 . 4/25/2016
OMG loved it do more please and can you put my name up there please and good storys just make more ok! love it!
cupcakeaw21 chapter 21 . 4/25/2016
What NO!
cupcakeaw21 chapter 20 . 4/24/2016
lol ubehrgbeuyhjnahuyghvbndvsjuhbjcvn h bndg bnjmfhb nacvhbug jnfbh gdefwkmsjibfwhuvgn jhysbgu hjernbgvdsh cvnbfrznxjbcrfnedszbdv jnebhjfnbdh newcfjshadg jfvwneasbrh esnvjbhtjrnedfshubgwnjvhucbgtdsrhjdfubghuybrjkbfwjlenstfjgbfh wwas Sonic when he was lying in the bed lol!
cupcakeaw21 chapter 11 . 4/24/2016
bish you wrote this
MissMJS chapter 24 . 10/23/2015
Awwwwwww! This touched some feels, not gonna lie! *wipes tear away*
Good story!
Jk1ra chapter 22 . 9/6/2014
Whoa whoa whoa, I mist have misread that last part let me read it again* rereads* WTF SONIC! YOU JUST UP AND KISS A GIRL YOU DON'T EVEN NO! CALM... Clam...calm...c...a..l..m...sonic you better have a good explanation to this!
LUV the story 3
Jk1ra chapter 13 . 9/6/2014
I hate you so much! But I love this so Much! Ugh! :)
Jk1ra chapter 10 . 9/6/2014
Go Amy! Poor sal, go Drake! Poor sonic
Liliana chapter 24 . 5/15/2014
Best sonamy story i ever read I was like I want to read more
Someone chapter 1 . 4/3/2014
I hope it's not one of those stories again...
Sonic128 chapter 24 . 3/6/2014
Wow. That was a REALLY good story! I loved it, even though it was pretty sad at some parts. I'm pretty sad that it's over now (acually it was over, like, 2 years ago and what i mean is im sad that i'm finished reading it lol) Again, great story! I wish i could write stuff like this, maybe one day... 10/10 :D
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