Reviews for Galaxy's Unlikeliest Hero
LycanRed chapter 15 . 9/22/2015
These two stories were far different, and as a result so much better, than most of what's here. I have seen several attempts at AU's, but none of them were near as enjoyable as this, and less still are completed or look to be complete for some time if at all. I am hoping that you may consider writing a third installment that covers Mass Effect 3, but if you don't that's fine as well. As f bathe writing itself, there were a few hers and she's that should have been his and him's, but they didn't distract too terribly. Overall this was a phenomenal read. Kudos.

Lohr chapter 15 . 11/15/2013
Amazing. Completely amazing.
lestibur chapter 15 . 11/4/2013
TheLadyW chapter 15 . 11/4/2013
Dangerously enjoyable. I blame you for keeping me up too late enjoying this. :-)
Thank you for sharing this.
RapiDe chapter 15 . 8/12/2013
I love this story and the original, Shepard as a Hooker on Omega turning vigilante after meeting Garrus turning Infiltrator after hooking up with Ashley Williams and team circa ME2... This shouldn't work, but it does. Especially with the healthy dose of humour you toss in, Ash coming across as all too human when she realises Shepard is the one the crew is going to, EDI's comments about "intercourse" in the mens showers, MIranda opening up to Shepard...

I'm actually glad you didn't turn Shepard into some kind of killing machine, her ability to hit what she aims at and get the job done reminds me of Garrus far more than Ashley, which just makes sense. If you should get around to doing a ME3 take on this AU, I'd love to see what you make of it. The way these are done, you might even improve it. For one thing, I'd love to see Admiral Andersons's reaction to meeting Shepard once Ash has filled him in, Garrus's on possibly being seperated from Shepard as he tries to prepare the Turian people for the Reaper invasion, what Shepard would make of the Shadow Brokers files...

Khalisah: "Commander Williams, it's rumoured that you are in a relationship with a member of your alien crew. Would you care to comment on this?"
Shepard: "Once you go blue you never go back".
Ashley: "SHEPARD-!"
nikaris chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
I positively love your story. The way you portray Garrus and Shepard are absolutely fantastic and I have loved this sequel and the original ever since I read it a while ago!
Shootingstar7123 chapter 15 . 4/8/2013
I wasn't so sure about the concept at first, but your execution of it was absolutely fantastic. The nuances of the Ash/Shepard dynamic were really interesting. Altogether great work.
o0KittyBlue0o chapter 15 . 3/26/2013
Okay. I admit it. I wasn't going to read the Shepard is a whore story. Totally was going to pass it up, however GREAT STORY HOLY CRAP
Guest chapter 15 . 1/25/2013
Loved it. A lot. Would love to see a sequel covering the events of Mass Effect 3. :D
GallifreyanMyth chapter 15 . 1/3/2013
Will you be doing a ME3 version of this amazing AU? :D
Karen Rhine chapter 15 . 9/29/2012
This story was amazing! I loved the first one, and this one so much more. It was such a fascinating take on their relationship. I didn't want it to be over, haha. _
Tattoo'd chapter 15 . 9/21/2012
Gawd, I just finished reading Galaxy's Oldest Profession and Galaxy's Unlikeliest Hero. I must say, they were two of the best stories I have come across yet! I absolutely loved the unique take on the Mass Effect world! I applaud your spectacular work!
livvi695 chapter 15 . 9/3/2012
That was a great story :) x
piratequeen24 chapter 15 . 8/24/2012
aw such a sweet ending! you did a lovely job with the characters in the two stories, excellent work :)
BrokenRose99 chapter 15 . 8/7/2012
This. Was. Awesome.
Words. Words cannot describe how happy I was that there was a sequel. This is one of the best AU fics I've read yet. It was funny. It had action. It was interesting. Loved it. Absolutely loved it.
I, however, DON'T love speaking in stunted sentences, so let's stop those shenanigans now. I think the best part of this fic, and of course your first one, was your Shepard. She's flipping hilarious, no joke. And yet she's also a serious character (sometimes). I'd like to go on and on about everything I liked, but alas, I cannot. So, instead have the satisfaction of receiving my easily won praise.
Thanks a million for writing this. Ciao!
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