Reviews for Teach Me What You Know
andyempresscolfer chapter 9 . 5/29
Type your review here. Sebastian is really a dick. And that was a really messed up way of blackmailing blaine. Seriously,that's why i don't like him in this series.
Denizecp chapter 17 . 3/14/2019
I Love it. Thank you for sharing this story with us. Also I would be so grateful if you completed your fics, if one day you see this, please think fondly?
me actually chapter 17 . 3/8/2019
I love you and your stories
dreaming of the same relationship Blaine and Kurt have thanks to you
jennrandall1042 chapter 17 . 2/19/2018
Great fic!
JP chapter 17 . 8/15/2017
I loved it. Nellie!
JP chapter 11 . 8/15/2017
Oh S***!
MixedUpJORDZ chapter 17 . 4/9/2017
amazing story
KlaineyDays25 chapter 1 . 4/3/2017
I literally read almost *all* your stories and I love them so much! I seriously idolize and appreciate you so much. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to proceed with this Fanfic.
glee-klaine-Dalton chapter 5 . 12/11/2016
Really great story. I really enjoyed reading it. Lots of love xoxo
Guest chapter 17 . 8/14/2016
Hello! I really enjoyed this story. I've read a lot of the teacher/student trope but it wasn't until Istarted reading this that I realized that I'd never read one where Kurt is the teacher. It was always the other way around with teacher!blaine and student kurt and the kids of ND. So I liked that this was different, and that Blaine's friends were Niff. I also enjoyed that they had to wait two years to grow before finally getting together, instead of the instant happy ending we usually see. Great job!
Guest chapter 16 . 6/30/2016
i loved it-thanks for writing 3
Lledou chapter 17 . 7/9/2015
OMG! This story is so awesome and amazing! I hate Sebastian And I love Rachel Anyway, i love all your stories, I really think you should become a writer, if you aren't one already Finally, I really think you should review 'The Nanny' and 'Team ZigZag' Just... PLEASE, I NEED MOREEE!
caitloveslogan chapter 11 . 6/29/2015
No! I've only read some of this chapter but think I'm going to stop reading now. Sorry. You're a really great writer but this chapter has just put me off :/ I really didn't think Blaine would get with someone else in this story.
Iliveforcolfer11 chapter 17 . 5/6/2015
Ok. I know that it has taken me way too long to finish reading this story. Especially when I have told you so so so so so so so so much to actually please finish it. I am ashamed to have taken so many months to finish the story.
I took so long that my mom MsGoodbar finished it without me months ago. Haha

And I am so glad to be able to say that I loved it. I loved every bit of it!

I was so excited that Sebastian got his CUMMUPINS! (NO IDEA HOW TO SPELL THAT)
Spoiler alert!

I was so excited that Blaine planted the photos and got smythess dumb ass arrested. He deserves it. I read the remainder of the story on my phone which is why I didn't review every chapter. & I read it through very quickly because I just couldn't couldn't couldn't get enough.
. I knew that when I first found this story that long time ago, that I had found a gem.
& I was right because your writing is truly a gift. You captivate me so much in every single story you write Janelle, and with every single word. Never stop writing Nellie. Never.
Thank you so much for Teach me what you know!
It was worth waiting for every single update!
FanfictionGleeBabies chapter 17 . 4/18/2015
Hi Nellie! I hope u missed me! I sure missed u!
I dropped off the fanfic reading for like a year. Anyway, yay! TMWYK!

I know that it has taken me way too long to finish reading this story. Especially when I have told you so so so so so so so so much to actually please finish it. I am ashamed to have taken so many months to finish the story.
I took so long that my mom MsGoodbar finished it without me months ago. Haha

And I am so glad to be able to say that I loved it. I loved every bit of it!

I was so excited that Sebastian got his CUMMUPINS! (NO IDEA HOW TO SPELL THAT)
Spoiler alert!

I was so excited that Blaine planted the photos and got smythess dumb ass arrested. He deserves it. I read the remainder of the story on my phone which is why I didn't review every chapter. & I read it through very quickly because I just couldn't couldn't couldn't get enough.
. I knew that when I first found this story that long time ago, that I had found a gem.
& I was right because your writing is truly a gift. You captivate me so much in every single story you write Janelle, and with every single word. Never stop writing Nellie. Never.
Thank you so much for Teach me what you know!
It was worth waiting for every single update!
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